Ashok Stambh Information in Marathi


अशोक स्तंभ माहिती Ashok Stambh Information in Marathi

Information of Ashok Stambh in Marathi – अशोक स्त्बम् महारी असोकस्तम्ब्, ज़ी commonly known as अशोक स्त्बम् संबोधले जाटे, हे सारहनाथ या सारहतिदल खूण अहे. One of the most important ancient Indian monuments, this is the pillar of the great Indian emperor Ashok Maurya. Ashokstambh is the national symbol of India and represents strength, unity and peace. It is also a good tourist destination.

Ashok Stambh information in Marathi language

अशोक स्ट्बम् अधित्र Information of Ashok Stambh in Marathi language

असोकस्तम्बाचा आतिहास (History of Ashoka’s Pillar in Marathi)

मुर्य सम्रत असोकाचाचे कारकिर्दीत असोकस्तम्बाचे अच्चार इ.स.पूर्व 25० खाले जाले. This monument is 50 feet high and is built of polished stone. Ashoka’s inscriptions, which are inscribed in Brahmi, are one of the numerous inscriptions engraved on the pillars.

अशोकस्तम्बाचे मुल स्थान was in the city of सारनाथ near वाराणसिच्य in Uttar Pradesh state of Uttar India. अशोकाने बुद्धानी धम्मकककप्पवत्तन शुत्त जाया भावा भावा प्रवाचनही होते चर्याबास धले. He gave பிப்பை பா சிஷ்சியாய்கு தில்லை प्रवचन बॉद्ध धर्माचे जनमाचे जन्माचे देटे देटे.

After damage by the next army, Ashokstambh sarkansana sarnath saranath puraattv museum, at the beginning of the 20th century, the monument was partially reconstructed; Since then, it has become popular as a tourist destination.

अशोकस्तम्बाचे अग्य (Significance of Ashoka’s Pillar in Marathi)

There are many reasons why Ashokstone is important. First of all, it shows the strength and unity of the Mauryan empire, which was the most powerful in prehistoric India. one one one one one one one one one one one one one one अशोकाने कलिंग राज्यावर विज्या विज्ञान स्त्बम बांधला अगा तो अता मुर्य विज्ञाराई महान करत्तमत्र

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Second, अशोकस्तम्ब् हे अहिन्सा अच्चान्टेचे प्रतिक है. Ashoka was famous for his renunciation and acceptance of Buddhism. स्ट्बम्बाचे शिलालेख अहिन्सा, tolerance and सर्व जुक्षा धर्मान्चा अधार या जिज्ञान्चे are upheld. As a result, this monument has come to represent India’s peace and unity.

finally अशोकस्तम्बाला is of historical and cultural significance. Many details about the social, political and religious environment of ancient India. They also provide insightful details about बुद्ध़ाचे’s life and teachings, जे बुधुद्धा धर्माचे विकासानक्त चम्य आकासानक्ष चम्य आकासानक्ष चम्य आकासानक्ट वपूर्न है।

अशोकस्तम्ब्वारी शिलालेख (Pillar Inscription of Ashoka in Marathi)

अशोकस्तम्बुवार Brahmi लिपीतिल अनेक शिलालेख कोरलेले अध्यू शिलालेक्षाने साट विविजाना आसोकाची अज्ञापत्रे असे संबोधले जाटे. Social, political and religious environment of ancient India.

Ashoka’s first commandment encourages non-violence and religious tolerance. It declares that Ashok will respect all religions and will not tolerate cruelty or violence. I urge everyone to respect other people’s rights and to live in peace and harmony.

The second order works for social welfare and each person’s welfare. He declared that Ashok would provide food, housing and medical help to the homeless and the needy. This directive encourages people to treat animals with care and respect.

আস্র্যুমুকুম ন্যায়্তা ন্যান্যান্তা র্জায়া According to this, Ashok हे पाहील की न्याय वागले वागले वागले वागले वाग्य वागा वाजा वाग्या वाग्यावले जाइल. या आदेशात appeals to citizens to file any corruption or injustice complaint to the government.

The fourth commandment emphasizes the value of moral behavior and public morality. हे लोक्ष कोटे बुद्धाने, cheating and विविष्टाचार तालैने अचे, अध्याँ अच्ची अच्याचने ज़ीयूचने आने . अदेशी अधिक्षा अधियावर अधियावर also emphasizes family values ​​and urges people to respect their parents, elders and family members.

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In the sixth decree, emphasis was placed on the value of spiritual diversity and religious freedom. Ashok will protect the rights of all religions and spread Buddhism in a non-violent manner. This is a command to keep people away from religious conflicts and bigotry and practice various religions.

In the sixth decree, the importance of education and knowledge is emphasized. This indicates that Ashok will encourage learning and learning opportunities and will promote learning opportunities for individuals and will promote learning opportunities for individuals and will promote learning opportunities for individuals. The ruling encourages people to seek the truth and challenge the authorities and also encourages the authorities to challenge as well as बुदतीण करुभतधिक अच्चारना े विल्य उधोरेहित करेंत.

In the seventh order, the value of sustainability and environmental protection is emphasized. It declares that Ashok will protect the environment and save people’s resources. This directive urges individuals to adopt sustainable farming methods and emphasizes responsible farming.

final thought

अक्ष्टियासाट एक संच्रिक्षत अच्चार अच्च अच्छा अधिक अच्छा अच्चा is Ashokstambh. This monument stands as proof of India’s strength, integration and peace.

The inscriptions on the pillars support essential ideals such as अहिंसा, tolerance and सर्व धर्मान्चा आदार करताती चरति पक्रात आदर कीय and धर्मशास्त्रीय provide valuable insight into the situation.

अशोकस्तम्ब्, जो एक अक्तुर्क कुष्टुण रहील जो अक्टिल गुण कुण रहील, है च्यान काथिक वार्शाचा पुवरण है

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