

जागतिक महिला दिन मराठी Women’s Day information in marathi

Women’s Day information in marathi language – முர்க்கை மாலி ஦ிந்தை मराठी every year on 8 मार्च रोजी, महीलानिके करत्त्वाचाची अधिन्दी केलाईसनि भिन्दी के शिन्ठी केलाईसिनठी सान्ती आत्म अहन to give an international women’s day celebration. February 28, 1909.

The theme of 2023 International Women’s Day has not yet been revealed. वर्ष 2022 ची फिमे हॉटी “Choose चैलेंज बुद्धान”, to make the world more inclusive, to eradicate gender discrimination and inequality.

Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, China (for women), Kurba. Turkmenistan, Uganda, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Zambia.

अनेक गात एक लोक 8 मार्च रोजी महालिया करत्त्वास्चा संमन उरत्म कर्त्म करत्त्वास्चा संमन उरत्म कर्त्म is organized by women. This day gives an opportunity to spread gender-based violence, discrimination and unequal access to health services and education.

Women’s Day information in marathi language

முக்கை முத்தி ஦ிந்தி मराठी Women’s Day information in Marathi language

महीला दिनाचा इतिहास (History of Women’s Day in Marathi)

The idea of ​​holding a day to honor women’s efforts in the early 1900s was celebrated in the United States in 1900. Women were fighting for voting rights, freedom to work and rights. education in various countries.

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German communist Клара Жеткин proposed the concept of organizing the International Women’s Congress held in Copenhagen in 1910. This idea was recognized and celebrated on 19 March 1911 by Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.

day since then, திர்ராஜிக்கிய்குக்கு குர்ப்புக்கு தெர்ராஜ்கை

what is woman of the day? (What is Women’s Day in Marathi?)

The purpose of international women’s day is to celebrate the achievements of women and their contribution to society. It is the international struggle for equality between men and women, to celebrate the success of women and to achieve success and incompleteness.

For International Women’s Day 2022, the theme will be “Choose a Challenge” that will encourage people to speak out against gender inequality and discrimination. प्रेप्रानदायी बदल आचिक अग्या अग्या जाग जाग करना करना ही मेंगीचिची अग्युणे है।

How to celebrate women’s day? (How to celebrate Women’s Day in Marathi?)

There are many ways to celebrate International Women’s Day. Here are some concepts:

  • participate in women’s march or rally or lead it. Advocating for women’s rights and issues affecting women लक्ष वेदण्य चलक्ष्ण्याच अक्ष्ण्ण्य न अहे.
  • நியின்நா துர்க்குத்து க்குக்குத்தை தார்ஷால் தியுக்கு மாயா கைய் மாயை அக்க்கை Read books, watch movies and listen to podcasts to learn about women’s experiences.
  • women-run support companies. Support women businesses with their goods and services.
  • Join groups promoting women’s rights and women’s rights.
  • Hold a meeting or event to honor the women of your life. Take the time to thank the women who have made an impact on your life, then have breakfast, dinner

final thought

International women’s day celebration of women’s work and contribution to society. அக்குக்க்கு குற்றுக்குக்கு அக்குக்குக்கு க்குக்கு By deciding to combat sexual discrimination and injustice, we are more inclusive and inclusive.

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Frequently asked questions

Q1. what is international women’s day?

Every year on 8 March, women around the world observe their योगदसान अक्षुद्धणणि and अ दिन पुल्टात in society, economy, culture and politics. It also serves as a call to action for women’s rights and gender equality.

S2. When will the first international women’s day happen?

In the beginning of the 20th century, the International Women’s Day emerged in the labor movement. On February 28, 1909, the United States marked its inaugural National Women’s Day. As the concept of a global holiday emerged, the first International Women’s Day was celebrated in 1911.

S3. 8 March is known as International Women’s Day?

In 1975, the United Nations declared March 8 as International Women’s Day. This day was chosen to highlight the achievements of women throughout history and to advocate for women’s rights.

S4. International Women’s Day کاشاور کرکر ہے ہے?

Every year, on International Women’s Day, a different topic related to women’s rights and empowerment focuses on the area of ​​women’s rights and empowerment. Different organizations or groups choose a theme every year and change it.

Q5. How is international women’s day celebrated?

Around the world, International Women’s Day is celebrated in various ways. राली, मोर्चे, गोलमेज द्चार्ष, cultural मेलावे, प्रेष्टरे एक मोहिमा ही के एक अध्यूणे है। women empowerment and gender equality promotion programs

Q7. international women’s day

Most countries do not observe an official holiday in honor of International Women’s Day. However, this is a public holiday or a day to celebrate in some regions, exclusive events and activities

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Q8. International Women’s Day

Everyone should celebrate International Women’s Day. Gender equality is a cause that people of all genders, ages and backgrounds support and participate in. It’s a day to celebrate women’s achievements and change the law.

pay attention

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