Dr Vasantrao Pawar Information in Marathi


डॉ. वसंतराव पवार माहिती Dr Vasantrao Pawar Information in Marathi

Dr. Vasantrao Pawar Information in Marathi Language – डोर. वसान्त्राव वास्तराव Pawar अधित्राय अक्सवसिद्ध एक सुसिद्ध अग्युल्य चिक्षित्मत्व, डोर. Vasantrao Pawar dedicated his life to the progress of society. He was born on August 16, 1944 in a village in Maharashtra, India. He was devoted to social and political reforms and was an ardent follower of Mahatma Gandhi’s teachings. In addition, a talented speaker and writer, Dr. वसान्त्राव Pawar used these skills to convey the message of social justice and equality.

Dr. Vasantrao Pawar’s information in Marathi language

Dr. वसान्त्राव Pawar महारी Dr. Vasantrao Pawar information in Marathi language

Dr. वसान्त्राव Pawar अध्या जीवन (Early Life of Dr. Vasantrao Pawar in Marathi)

Dr. Vasantrao Pawar’s upbringing took place in கால்ம் or மார்ஷாத்தியை வாலை கெய்குக்குக்கு காட்டு ஜாடை His mother Sumanbai is a housewife and his father Dadasaheb Pawar is a farmer. Dr. Despite Pawar’s lack of background, he had a good academic background because he was a brilliant student.

Dr. Pawar left கால்முப்ப்பிக்கு சார்குக்குக்குக்குக்குக்கு பார்க்குத்து சுர்க்குத்து மாட்ட்டு புட்டு. In the यशवंत्राव चव़ाण College of Science in Satara, he edited the title of science. then he पुने विडीपीटाटूटू विज्ञान विजिजात पादवुट्टार अध्वादुली then he did his Ph.D. I studied botany in the same college.

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हे पाना वाका: Narayan Surve’s information

Dr. वसान्त्राव Pawar आक्रीय (Career of Dr. Vasantrao Pawar in Marathi)

வெஷ்வண்ட்டாரு சவாண் வியுக்க்கிவியுத்துத்து Vasantrao Pawar started his academic career as a professor of botany. Later, he became the principal of the category. During this period, he actively participated in social work. He was elected to the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly in 1980 and again in 1985 and 1990.

Dr. Vasantrao Pawar worked in the Maharashtra Legislative Assembly to raise the quality of life of the people of Maharashtra. Dr. from Nashik वसान्त्राव Pawar अधिवान्ट्राव अग्याद्य माइधिविटा अग्याश्वान्त्राव चव़ण मुक्ट विठीटास।

Dr. Vasantrao Pawar was a strong supporter of sustainable development and was committed to environmental protection. He was the chairman of the Maharashtra Sustainable Development Council and a member of the National Sustainable Development Council.

Here’s the complete list:

Dr. वसान्त्राव Pawar अच्चाना सम्मन (Tribute to Dr. Vasantrao Pawar in Marathi)

Dr. for his contribution to society. Vasantrao Pawar was honored with many awards and recognitions. In 1992, he received one of India’s highest civilian honors, the Padma Shri. Also, in 2011, he received the Maharashtra Bhushan award, which was given by the Maharashtra government.

Dr. वसान्तराव Pawar वर्षा (Dr. Vasantrao Pawar’s Legacy in Marathi)

Dr. वसान्त्राव Pawar ज़ाई जिस्था आश्ष्ट्ष्ट्य अच्चाने जी जी जी जिवाना जेवाना जे स्प ज़ीय जी जिज्ञान नाशिक दिया डोर. Vasantrao Pawar Medical College is one of the top medical schools in Maharashtra, one of the top medical schools in the country.

एक विपु लेक्टर आसणणाया, dr. Pawar published numerous books and essays on various topics including social and political challenges. People are still inspired and motivated by their writing.

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हे पाना वाचा: हार्धिक पांड्या माराठी

final thought

खारे द्रश्ते dr. Vasantrao Pawar dedicated his life to the progress of humanity. He was an honest and intelligent person. those who used their abilities to use social justice and equality. For the society, their contribution has a long-term effect, and their legacy will inspire them in the future.

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मित्राननो वरील लेखात में डोर. वसान्त्राव Pawar महारी – Dr. Vasantrao Pawar’s Information in Marathi Language अच्चारा समुपने महारी दिली. Dr. How did you feel about the article about Vasantrao Pawar? Tell me in the comment box. Dr Vasantrao Pawar in Marathi language Share this article as much as possible on WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook.

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