Dahi Handi Information in Marathi


दहीहंडी सणाची संपूर्ण माहिती Dahi Handi Information in Marathi

Dahi Handi information in Marathi language – दहीहंदी शाणाची सोमपने महारी भारत, especially महाराष्टर राज्य, also known as दहीहंदी जोणा जाणाजर राज्या ला गोविंडा or गोपाल काला. जनमाष्तमीच्य on the second day, भाग्वान श्रीक्रिष्णाचा जनम्दिवास, हा उत्सवण केला केला जटो. During this program, people take part in various activities, including hanging curds राज्युभर प्रमचंड उत्हान अकहाद उत्हाय आखाधाई नवी पिरामिद करना.

Dahi Handi information in Marathi language

दहीहंदी साणाची समुपने हैंटी Information of Dahi Handi in Marathi language

दहीहंदी उत्तवाचा आतिहास (History of Dahi Handi Festival in Marathi)

दहिहांदी उत्तवाचाची उत्पत्ती भगुवान क्रिष्णाची अच्चाना शोधली गुज़ी जूट्य, ज़्यना च्यानी अकहाड Hindu mythology claims that Lord Krishna and his companions once built a human pyramid to reach the height of Krishna and his companions. To prevent children from taking butter and curd, pots were kept out of children’s reach. yet, using their ingenuity and ingenuity, Bhagwan श्रीक्रिष्ण and his friends were able to मदके गाथू.

. प्र्था सुरू केली गैन्माला अल्ली या प्रथेला quickly gained recognition and ती अता महाराष्टराचे जनमाश्तमी उस्ट्वाचाचा अक अग्यकतचा गे.

दहीहंदी उत्तव अग्य (Celebrating Dahi Handi festival in Marathi)

Dahihandi festival starts from जनमाष्तमी होते, this day is called Bhagwan Krishna’s birth day. This program is celebrated with great enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and the people of various festival-related activities are engaged in activities

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दहीहंदी उत्त्वाचाचा primary program is दहीहंदीचे तांगलेले भांदे पुदाद मान्वी पिराधमिद बांधनेड. The tarunana that builds the pyramid is known as Govinda. The Govindas are arranged in a pyramidal formation on top of each other and at the top level the Govindas are अधे तोतले अहे.

The height of the container varies depending on the location. भांडे विद्ध उद्यूतवर is suspended, in some places 20 फूत ते अधिया 50 फूत or more जसस्तेक्षा जसस्ते. The height of the pot increases the complexity and excitement of the activity.

Dahihandi competition is held in many places in Maharashtra. The height of the pyramid, the time it takes to break the pot and the cleanliness of the premises after the competition. The winning team gets a financial award and the competition is shown on door-darshan.

During the event, many other activities were planned in addition to the Dahihandi competition. They sing and dance, wear colorful costumes and participate in traditional cuisine. Bringing people together is a festival of community and friendship.

दहीहंदी उत्तवाचाचे अग्य (Importance of Dahi Handi festival in Marathi language)

Dahihandi is a culturally and religiously very important festival. This program honors the youth of Lord Krishna and his love for honey and dahi. दह्याने भारलेले मदके to break manवी पिरामिद्श्ची उच्चानी हे tarun भाग्वान क्रिष्णाने अप्या कल्व अपकतेपेल न जिंकलेज़ी represents difficulties.

This festival encourages collaboration and collaboration. The human pyramid of the creation of a team requires members to work together in harmony and mutual trust. जात, प्रण अध्रमाची पर्वा करता, चेश्वाटा गुन्याचाची भवाना वार्वातो आ अलोवा अग्रेट करोता.

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