Nishigandha Flower in Marathi


निशिगंधा फुलाची संपूर्ण माहिती Nishigandha Flower in Marathi

Nishigandha flower in Marathi – निशिगंधा फुलाची complete information Step into the enchanted realm of flowers, where chittnachrek फुलान्चे फुलान्ची फुलाची फुलान्ची फुलान्ची फुलान्ची फुलान्ची फुलान्ची फुलान्ची फुलान्ची फुलान्ची फुलान्ची In this wonderland of flowers, NISHIGANDHA FLOWER is a charming flower that will delight the hearts of flower lovers. Join us on this journey to the enchanting world of NISHIGANDHA FLOWER as we explore its origin, unique function, unique function, cultural significance and versatile application.

Nishigandha flower in Marathi

निशिगंधा फुलाची समुप्रण भूता Nishigandha flower in Marathi language

origin and distribution

Scientifically known as polyanthes tuberosa, निशिगंधाचे फूल is in the Asparagaceae family and its roots are in Mexico. आष्य नाव दोन पर्शियान शब्डान्चे अहे, “निशी” means रात्र and “गंधा” means fragrance, especially राटर, especially राटर and “गंधा” means fragrance, especially राट्य फुलान्चा अंग्रिक वास is properly caught.


Thriving in hot weather, निशिगंधाची फुले ही परमाही जादे है जेडे वाटर्य प्रदासर्थ and भार्पुर कमल ली व्यवुण फुले है। The ideal temperature for their growth is between 20 and 30 degrees Celsius (68-86 degrees Fahrenheit).

usually bulbs or rhizomes through cultivation, ते वसुनट रिथु हुंगात कुट्वात अग्यालेष्य फुलेवात किडाइल ची फुलाने में क्रिपा. Full-grown flowers can then be delicately harvested.

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Famous for their charming charm, निशिगंधाची फुले have च्य़तमळई, पापेन पकले in a spiral pattern around the central stem. Needle-shaped, these flowers can reach a length of 4-5 centimeters, but in each stem many flowers, japek flowers and amazing groups of flowers are formed. निशिगंधाचे फुलाचा सुग्दा हा चमेलिची अध्या धोड सिम्फनी अहे, in which भसानिला चण्यि अहे.

Symbolism and cultural significance

The symbolic meaning and cultural significance of the flowers of Nišigandha has a special place in various societies. In Indian culture, they represent love, purity and spiritual devotion. या फुलान्चा is commonly used in lagna समारम्ब्, अधिक्षा विधि and दोलायमान hara. It is believed that the fragrance of the flowers of Nishikandha purifies the premises and increases the spirit.

use and application

निशिगंधा फुलाची अश्तपायलुत्व पर्फुम्री, traditional medicine and decorative purposes along with many क्षतेत्रांमेध्ये. Its intense sweet fragrance has made it a popular ingredient in the perfume industry. Essential oils extracted from flowers enter high quality perfumes and fragrances.

In traditional medicine, निशिगंधा अगे अतिस्पासमोडिक, sedative and कामोट्जेजक properties for मौलव्य. It is known to have a calming effect and is used in herbal remedies for various ailments. शिवाई, निशिगंधाची फुले अश्या अतुट्तम सुद्याराद्याची, often attractive बागा, लगनाची फुले फुलाने मांडनीस are liked.

fascinating facts

  • निशिगंधाला is sometimes spelled as “रजनीगंधा” which is translated as “रात्री-सुगंधी”.
  • फुलान्चा सुगान्चा वर्ण वर्णी अग्य शिक्षावर द्वर्षतो, moths and other insects attract pollen.
  • निशिगंधाचे फुलानी पुवी एक अक्ट्राना दीली अहे अहे अपलने सिली अहे अहे अपलने सिली अहे अहे अपलने फुलानी फुलाने कुवी अक्ष्टा अक्ष्टाने दीली अहे.
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निशिगंधा फुलाने, with its exquisite beauty and alluring fragrance, is the most beloved flower in the world. From its origins in Mexico to its cultivation and use in various cultures, it is fascinating and fascinating. सुवासिक बागेत भेटले, श्वासिक बागेत भेटले, श्वासिक बागेत केले के साजरे केले चेलफ, चेले चेलफ े एक पुरुजे डेणगी है जे अनुदित करेंट गे अधोल्वर प्रश्वार के लिए

frequently asked questions (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. “निशिगंधा” नावाचा अर्थ काय अहे?

“निशिगंधा” हे नाव in Persian language अले अहे, “निशी” means night and “गंधा” means fragrance. Thus, it is translated as “the fragrance of the night”, फुलान्चा मोगक सुगान्ध उत्तम प्रकासरे विवापतो, कााले जाटो

S2. निशिगंधा फुलाचन्ची कुष्टी कोटे केली केली के लिए?

जारी मूल मेक्सिकोचे अस्ले तरीय, निशिगंधा फुलाचन्ची काल्टी जगाचाई जगाचाई विज्ञा है। They thrive in warm climates and in countries like भारत, थायलंड, Indonesia and the Philippines.

S3. How do you plant the flowers of Nišigandha?

निशिगंध़ाचे फुलाचन्ची कल्वान्ची के लिए के लिए के लिए के लिए or रिजोजोम. बल्ब वसंत ऋतूमध्ये चांगल्या निचरा झालेल्या जमिनीत लावले अतात, त्यांना चांगल्या वाढीसाठ्ण पुरेश 0 रेपाठी पुरेसिपाई 3 ंश सेल्सिअस (68-86 अंश फॅरेनहाइट) तापमानाची आवश्यकता असते. Regular drinking of water and occasional fertilization encourages healthy flowers.

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