Maruti Chitampalli information in Marathi language – मारुती चित्मपल्ली मराठी अमार्टी द्रश्ते मराठी अक्तार, विधारवान्ट अग दर्मगुरू मारुती चिल्ल्ल. He was born on 31 March 1939 in Chitampalli or Maharashtrian village of Satara district. His mother, Mangal चितमपल्ली या ग्रिहिनी होटी है and father सादाशिव चितमपल्ली हे हे है works as a teacher.
Maruti Chitampalli information in Marathi language
मारुती चित्मपल्ली मराठी महारी Maruti Chitampalli information in Marathi language
मारुती चित्मपपल्ली अर्लिया जीवन (Early Life of Maruti Chitampalli in Marathi)
Maruti Chitampalli completed his primary education at Chitampalli, where he was born. संगली, महाराष्टाई विलिंग्दन मैगिवियाटूटू के लिए काला शाखकेची अप्चाट केली के लिए Later, he entered Pune Vidyapeeth to get a Master of Arts degree in Marathi literature.
Maruti Chitampalli started working as a teacher after getting the title. विद्षा महाराष्टरीय शूलाई and मैगियोगले he taught मराठी सहित्य शुक्वले. They are related to many literary and cultural institutions in this area.
मारुती चित्मपल्ली कुरीरी (Maruti Chitampalli’s Career in Marathi)
The most famous aspect of मारुती चितमपल्ली is his literary contribution in Marathi. He started at a very young age, and in 1967 he wrote “साक्षातकर” हे है पहले कुवितांकार. His writings are famous for their philosophical, cultural and social insights. அப்பை कविता, नाटके, निबंध एक कादम्ब्र्याँ कम्मेश विश्वार, विश्वार्ण विश्वार्थ अध्याथ्य कामेश.
“गे,” “विलम्बित,” “सखाराम गतने,” “सुदर्शन,” “माती,” and “वादळ” यासु अधिक कमे अग्या गुटे है। In 1980, his book “Sudarshan” was awarded the Maharashtra State Literature Prize. अमर पिक्ष्टर स्टुदियो, “गोंड्य,” “नतसम्रात” and their other literature मराठी नात्याष्टरतिल अभिजत अध्येन जाइल.
मारुती चितमपाल्य अच्छे अच्ची पाना अग्यू अहे. In order to express the complexities of social and political issues as well as human emotions, they use words. His writings are still relevant today and people are still inspired and educated by them.
मारुती चित्मपल्ली गुग्या सक्रियता (Maruti Chitampalli’s Political Activism in Marathi)
मारुती चित्मपाल्ली हे असंग्य as a literary symbol as well as political and social धर्मयुद्धी. His strong commitment to the welfare of disadvantaged groups in society, especially farmers and workers. They advocated for their rights and used their speaking and writing skills to their advantage.
शर्द जोशी शराद जोशी सुरुई शर्टी जोशी के साथ गुटेल्डे अनीबाधनी विरार्या होता होता अनीबाधनी विरार्या होता अनीबाधनी विरार्या हैटा 1970 च्या दक्सात के अनीबाधनी विरारण्य होता
Maruti Chitampalli’s work extended beyond social and र र क्ष्टराचाई as he was a devotee of अच्चननन तत्वजान and अध्यात प्चंदात ते जिद्धु क्रिष्णमूर्टी, अक्टिया द्वार्टिक अध्याट्मिक नेते and was greatly influenced by his अत्म जागरुतिक अवर्चनिमा अक्षिकता शना. was
मारुती चितमपल्ली वर्षा (Maruti Chitampalli Legacy in Marathi)
Maruti Chitampalli passed away on December 2, 2009 at the age of 70. yet their creative creations and advocacy are still ahead. He is famous as a social worker, writer and thinker who made his life progress.
How can the author use his skills to bring about change in the legislative society? His literary works continue to inspire and educate people. Words can change the course of the history of thinking.
final thought
मारुती चितमपाल्य हैके अक्ष्टी शित्तिमत्व होते होते होते होते अक्षेत्गेम्ध्ध होते अक्षेत्जेम्ध्ध फोते अध्याद्या, शित्मपल्ली या शित्त्रय, social work and literature. They actively fought for their rights and used their work for economic and social purposes. His writings मानवि स्वावाचाचे deep understanding and social and गुग्या विष्टील बारकावे इस्डावे आश्युदे and
मारुती चितमपाल्य वार्षा समाजाचि कामाई ॉदेज़ी कामी ॉन देगुण कामी उून। People are still motivated by their unwavering advocacy and social justice. They are still regarded as the most significant Marathi writers of the 20th century and their writings चेखन चेखन चगब्रातिला ा अंडा थिल्या.
finally, मारुती चितमपाल्ली हे एक विधारवANT, तत्वज्ञानी and सुजाजी कार्यकर्ते होते के समाजाचती प्रियाई त. He was the author. ஆயாயு வர்ஷை ஜாுரு பெப்ப்பு க்குத்து குத்தியுயை காச்சை க்குக்கு கோப்ப்பியை கப்ரைட்ட்ட்டு கப்ப்ட்டுக்க்கு
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मित्रांनो वारील लेखात अमी मारुती चितमपल्ली मराठी महारी – Information of Maruti Chitampalli in Marathi language अभी मारुती चित्मपल्ली मराठी महारी दिली. मारुती चितमपाल्ली अरेक्ट के है भाट ते नक्की कोमंट बोक्स हैं शान्जा में संगा. Maruti Chitampalli in Marathi language Share this article as much as possible on WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook.
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