Lal Mahal Pune History in Marathi


लाल महाल पुणे इतिहास Lal Mahal Pune History in Marathi

Lal Mahal Pune History in Marathi – लाल महाल पुने अतिहास पुने, located in the center of Maharashtra, लाल महाल कालाच्या तक्षेलावर तिकलेला कार अधिमीनाने उवा है. This famous composition of India is a respectable warrior king of India. Knowing the origin, legend and historical significance of Lal Mahal Pune

History of Lal Mahal Pune in Marathi language

Lal Mahal Pune History in Marathi

origin and construction

After Shivaji Maharaj’s victorious battle against the Mughals at the beginning of the 17th century, Lal Mahatlacha was chosen as his residence.

Lal Mahalchi architecture

Adopting a traditional Maratha architectural style, the Lal Mahal’s distinctive wooden pillars, stone walls and exquisite domes beautifully combine Islamic and Hindu architectural elements, Shivaji Maharaj’s comprehensive red color scheme, which gave the palace its name, in its construction. लाल विताने वालपरावतुः व्यावावतुः

Legends around Lal Mahal

लालमहाल पुन्याचाई लोककाथा खोल्वर रुजलेजा अधिया दान्तकाथानी भारलेला अहे. आशिच अक कथा Shivaji Maharaj and the eminent saint Samarth Ramdas Swami narrates the extraordinary meeting. अख्यायिका अहे की लाल महालाच्य आवारात, राम्दास वामिनी inspired Shivaji Maharaj to “भवानी टल्वार” नावाची तलतवार देभन देवा अध्वाने माराथा राज्य स्थपना के लिए.

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Lal Mahal as Shivaji Maharaj’s childhood center

Shivaji Maharaj played an important role in the early years of his childhood, Lal Mahal served as the initial director of his childhood and administration. Numerous historical events happened in the palace, in which Shivaji Maharaj ancha शैस्तेखान या मुगल सेनापतिशी च्यात Shivaji Maharaj ancha शाईस्तेखान ज अमेशेशेशी ज अमेशेशी ज़मी ई, where तो शूर्याने ज़्डला and escaped using डोरिचा.

maintenance and protection

Its entire existence, लाल महालाने विश्वार अजिर्नोद्धाराचे अनेक तप्पे पार केले हैने. In the 1980s, Pune अमहानारपालिकेने या शिस्टिकरिक रत्नाची गुण्या पुरूजिवता सर्विवेरशूक्ड केला सर्वीवेरशूक्ड केला. जीर्नोद्धार मुल स्थापत्य गातकान्ची पूरेनरीमती करना उर्वलेजा or damaged कालकर्थिनिती करना and हरवलेजा or damaged कालकर्थिनिच चारेल्य होते. Today, Lal Mahal stands as a living proof of Shivaji Maharaj’s legacy, attracting visitors from all over the world

Lal Mahal is an attractive tourist attraction

Beyond its historical importance, Lal Mahal has developed as a popular tourist destination. Visitors are brought back in time as they explore the palace, which now houses the Shivaji Maharaja’s Life Museum. மராத்தா விர்சைக்கை வி஭்வஶாலை பெர்ப்புச்சுச்சியுக்க்குக்கு, கல்க்க்க்கி, சிட்டை ஏச்ச்சுக்கு In addition, cultural events, performances and celebrations of लाल महालाची चाितन्य and मोहाकता सम्वर्त कर्ताता.


लाल महाल पुने, with its fascinating history and श्टापत्य वैभावासह, चत्रपति शियविय महाराजाने आडम्य भावनि चत्य भावनि चत्य अर्शाचा अभवा अध्या है India’s rich आटिहासाची प्रेष्टी कान्या‍या शॉॉर्यकाथा, पराक्रमी संग्राष्ट and cultural वाःसा कमरी हणून काम कार्ते. As visitors walk through the halls of the Red Mahal, they become engrossed in the ancient era by learning about the bravery that shaped Maharashtra’s remarkable past.

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frequently asked questions (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. What is the tas kay hanae to visit Lal Mahal Punyaala?

लाल महाल पुने वेम्हेष्य every day of the week from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm is waiting for visitors.

S2. Is there an entrance fee to go to Lal Mahal Pune?

Yes, there is a nominal entrance fee to visit Lal Mahal Punya. Fees may vary for Indian and international visitors. Please see the official website or inquire at the entrance for current ticket prices.

S3. Can I take photos from Lal Mahal in Pune?

Photography is allowed in Lal Mahal Pune. However, for any specific restrictions, especially in sensitive areas or विशिष्ट विश्वारांदसरम्यान अचिचाँशीन आचिकाई ला दिला जोटो.

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