Conrad Roentgen Information in Marathi


विल्हेम राँटजेन यांची माहिती Conrad Roentgen Information in Marathi

Conrad Roentgen Information in Marathi – विल्हेम रांट्जेन आग्या महार्टी गर्मन फिसियोग कोन्राड रोआट्जेन अंची है। In November 1895, when Roentgen was experimenting with cathode rays, he had a stroke. क्ष-कीरणान्चा विष्ण, which causes medical professionals to see a person’s body without surgery, பிரியிய்ப்ப்பு ஆல்மம், ணியுக்குக்கு க்குத்து.

Conrad Roentgen information in Marathi

विल्हेम रांटजेन आगिया मुफुत्र Conrad Roentgen information in Marathi language

full name: Wilhelm Rantzen
born: 27 March 1845
work area: physics
award: Nobel prize in physics
death: 10 February 1923

विल्हेम राट्जेन अग्या जीवन (Early Life of Wilhelm Röntgen in Marathi)

27 March 1845 Konrad Roentjen was born in Lenep, Germany (आता रेम्शेडचा भाग). His father, the cloth merchant and his wife had the same root. After completing his education in Apeldoorn in the Netherlands, Roentgen enrolled in Mechanical Engineering. After that, he moved to Zurich University to practice physics and after 1869

विल्हेम रांटजेन अग्यकरी (Career of Wilhelm Röntgen in Marathi)

After completing his education, Roentgen worked as an instructor at the universities of Strasbourg and Freiburg. In 1879 he moved to Gisen Vidyapeeth फिसीशास्तराचे ” रोटेंट्जेन वूर्जबर्ग विदीशातात अग्याजनित जाले, where he did his फिसियाशास्टर संशोले.

X-ray search:

Cathode rays are electron currents that are created in high voltage vacuum tubes and only a small part of the electrons are present. He found that the screen coated with fluorescent material came into contact with the cathode rays.

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pitch-black atmosphere using cathode-ray tubes. Roentgen identified a new type of radiation that was being produced and gave it the name X-ray. Later, he found that hard substances like Hada can hinder the penetration of கா-கிர்கை காக்க்குத்து, உண்தண परंदाने रक्या गुगयोग.

For his work on radiation, Roentgen won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1901, showing significant progress in the field of physics. क्ष-किर्णाने विकासा अध्टकराने अस्ट्रक्ष्रियेचा ना करता मान्वि शारिचाचे अधिन्य भाग भाई शारक्षपचम सरक्षपच अॉरक्षन्य जाले.

As a result, numerous previously undetectable diseases and illnesses can now be identified and treated.


After researching क्ष-कीरणान्चा भैशिष्ट्युशात्रि, Roëntjen turned on क्ष-कीरण and other types of क्ष-कीरणाचाचे. He also contributed to the creation of radiation technology for use in medicine. Roentgen died on February 10, 1923 in Munich, Germany at the age of 77.

The research of X-ray radiation has significantly changed the field of medicine and its effects are used in various medical procedures, such as identifying cancer, identifying fractures. In the treatment of cancer, radiation therapy also uses them.

Many further advances in the field of medical imaging, such as computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging, and roentgen X-rays have been made possible.

finally finally finally कोन कोन कुता-कि किकी निटी निनि ह एक बदलण बदलण बदलण बदलण बदलण बदलण होत होत होत है वयद वयद वैड वैड बदलल ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह ह In the field of medical imaging, Roentgen’s contribution to physics made knowledge and innovation possible.

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