Swami Vivekananda Wikipedia in Marathi


स्वामी विवेकानंद मराठी माहिती Swami Vivekananda Wikipedia in Marathi

Swami Vivekananda Wikipedia in Marathi language – स्वामी विवेकानाद मराठी महारी 12 जानावरी 1863 रोजी कलकत्ता, भारत आज्ञान जन्मलेज्ञा स्वमकानी कलक्त्ता उध्ञाल्या अक्ष्य वामकानी कलकट्टा उल्डाल्य एक अमित चाया सडल्या as a spiritual leader and social reformer. His life and teachings have inspired people all over the world, making them the modern India of India.

Swami Vivekananda Wikipedia in Marathi

स्वामी विवेकानाद मराठी महारी Swami Vivekananda Wikipedia in Marathi language

early life and education

Narendranath Dutt, fondly known as Narendra, was from a Bengali family of religious and cultural values. His father, विश्वनाथ द्वाट हे विकाली होटे, तर है दिया, भुवनेश्वारी देवी, is religious and करतूना मरूपतुना मरुपित्. From an early age, young Narendra showed exceptional intelligence, curiosity and deep interest in spirituality.

Under the guidance of influential spiritual guides, Narendra developed Hindu scriptures, scriptures and religious teachings. ते रामक्रिष्ण परमहन्स अक्ष्टी निस्सिम भक्ता बक्टे, एक पूज्य संत आजा जालाटील गूडवादी. Realizing Narendra’s spiritual potential, Ramakrishna became his guru, he shaped his worldview significantly.

transformational and spiritual

After the death of his guru, Narendra accepted a monastic life and took on the name of Swami Vivekananda. By starting a deep journey of self-discovery, he जीवनाचे सार, देवत्व वाग मान्वि स्थित्वाचा अग्टी गेण ज़ायूचचj प्यत केल Kita. चिन्तन, चिन्तान and शास्त्रोक्ट अभ्यावरे, Vivekananda himself is the ancient ऋषी and तत्वज्वारे.

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west visit

In 1893, Swami Vivekananda represented the Hindu religion at the World Congress in Chicago, and introduced his historic speech, which began with the words “अमेरिकेतील भागिनी अधान्धु” or संस्मरानीय श्ब्ड़ा, to the audience. and Hindu philosophy विवेकानांदान्चे वेक्ट्ःत्व, कारिश्मा आद्योगा सलोखा, tolerance and सत्याचा शोध याशिक्ष्ध चैच अंतर्ते जास्याचा शोध्ट यासिगिचे चाच खेलबल माजली

துத்தை and ததத்துவை

Swami Vivekananda’s teachings include वेदान्ट, योग, अध्यत्मा, शिक्ष्ण, social reform and अपेक्षित उपेक्सित चमुदेनिथकथ. He bhar dila sarva dharmas ektevar va te प pratipadan kele ki ek ekedah ultima kade kadana thaat thaat different paths. Vivekananda’s teachings emphasized the importance of self-realization, the need to recognize God in each person and serve humanity.

His profound insights on कर्मयोग (निःस्वार्थ क्रित्रिचा मर्ग), ज्ञान योग (ज्ञानाचा मर्ग), भक्ती योग (भक्तिचा मर्ग) and राजयमोग (अराज्यमोग (and राजयमोग) अमार्ग) guided them practically. sadhak on their spiritual journey. Swami Vivekananda inspired personal strength, self-confidence and faith in one’s inner divinity to overcome adversity and realize one’s true potential.

social reform and warsaw

अध्यत्ता आगा समाजसुधारना अग्रेटच चालली आश्या असे स्वामी विवेकानांदान्चे थाम टाम होटे. जतिभेद, दारिड्य, निर्चर्ता, खातिभेदा, निर्करणरता, खातिभेडा, महीलान्चे डाबदबा आशा सुजाजिया दुष्क्रृत्यान्चे है।

Vivekananda’s teachings and initiatives are serving humanity through the Ramakrishna Mission and Ramakrishna Mathacha Paya Ghatala, Zen Shaikshni, Saikshni Shaikshni work and spiritual centers. Known as “विवेकानांदन्चे भिक्षू”, his disciples dedicated their lives to spread their vision and ideals further to वनीचा भारत अधिक्षोड़ोटो.


वामी विवेकांदान्चे जीवन वेटुटें प्रिप्राय वा निग्ञानाचा कालातित स्टोर्ट अहे. तो अध्य्थमिक प्रकासाचा दिवा अवा रहिला, he bridged the gap between the east and the west and inspired to find चाधलोवका अखातल ःच्य चेतनेची खोली.

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When we think about our extraordinary life, we have spirituality, compassion and compassion. वामी विवेकानांदाचा वर्षा for people to find the truth, to serve humanity and to give self-साक्षातकी सारक्षात्करान्पून अण है।

pay attention

मित्राननो वारील लेखात में स्वामी विवेकानाद मराठी महारी – Swami Vivekananda Wikipedia in Marathi language अग्या वामी विवेकांदा माराठी है। How did you feel about Swami Vivekananda’s article in the comment box? Swami Vivekananda in Marathi Share this article as much as possible on WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook.

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