delete yahoo account permanently


A Fully-Featured Guide on Deleting Yahoo Email Account Permanently

Deleting or closing services for your Yahoo Mail account is just a matter of minutes. It includes losing access to email addresses, emails, saved folders, and important contacts. You can effortlessly delete Yahoo email account by visiting Yahoo account cancellation page. To make this process simple and smooth, we have created a comprehensive guide on the subject of; “deactivate or cancel Yahoo account permanently”.

Steps to delete Yahoo mail account in a web browser

Here are the steps you need to follow to delete your Yahoo account using a web browser:

  1. First, go to the Yahoo account cancellation page
  2. Enter your email address and click ‘Next’
  3. Then, type your password in the given field and again click ‘Next’.
  4. Please read everything carefully on the page that says ‘Before proceeding, please consider the following information’.

  1. After you have carefully read the instructions, click ‘Continue deleting my account’

Click on 'Continue deleting my account

  1. Again, enter your email address to verify your identity and then click the ‘Yes, cancel this account’ option.

Click the 'Yes, cancel this account' option

  1. You will receive the message ‘Your account has been deactivated and scheduled for deletion’; click the ‘Sounds good’ option to return to the Yahoo home page.

Note- After you schedule the deletion of your Yahoo account, you can reactivate it within 30 days of doing so. For countries like India, Australia, and New Zealand, the time period is 90 days, however, for Brazil, Hong Kong, and Taiwan, the period is 180 days during which you can recover your account simply by logging in. After the period ends, you can only create a new Yahoo account.

How to delete Yahoo email account on mobile?

Yahoo also allows you to delete your account using your mobile; You just need to follow the given instructions:

  1. Sign in to your Yahoo account on the mobile app
  2. Tap on the profile icon given on the left and then tap on the ‘Settings’ option
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Sign in to your Yahoo account and tap on the profile icon to select the 'Settings' option

  1. Scroll down and tap on ‘Privacy Panel’

Scroll down and tap on 'Privacy Dashboard'

  1. Enter your email address and password again to log in to the privacy panel

Enter your Yahoo email address and password to sign in to the privacy panel

  1. Scroll down the privacy panel page and at the bottom of the page you will see the option ‘Delete my account’; touch that.

Tap the 'Delete my account' option

  1. Please read all the information provided about what will happen when you delete your Yahoo account and scroll down and tap ‘Continue deleting my account’

Tap 'Continue deleting my account

  1. Enter your email address again and click ‘Yes, cancel this account’

Enter your email address and tap 'Yes, cancel this account

  1. You will receive the message ‘Your account has been deactivated and scheduled for deletion’; click the ‘Sounds good’ option to return to the Yahoo home page.

Important- Yahoo automatically deletes those accounts that are inactive for 12 months continuously.

What happens when you delete your Yahoo account?

Deleting a Yahoo Mail account is easy enough, but it’s important to know what happens next. It is obvious that once you delete your account, you lose access to it and all your emails are also deleted, but other than that, you need to consider how it will affect your other Yahoo related activities:

  • You will lose access to your Yahoo settings, Flickr account, photos, and other data stored on Yahoo services.
  • Anyone who tries to send an email to that address will receive a delivery error message.
  • All services linked to your account will be cancelled, including:
  1. yahoo! small business data
  2. yahoo! GeoCities Data
  3. yahoo! Briefcase data
  4. My Yahoo! data
  5. HotJobs data
  6. yahoo! ID
  7. yahoo! mail data
  8. yahoo! Address Book Data
  9. Flickr account (as well as photo library, statistics and metadata)
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other important things

Every Yahoo user should be aware of the things they have to face after account closure:

Your username and email address will be available to other users. They are likely to receive your emails if the sender has your email address. So you need to update your contacts on the completion of your email.

Once your Yahoo account is scheduled to be deleted, it takes 90 days (for India, New Zealand and Australia) to delete the account and 180 days (for Brazil, Taiwan and Hong Kong) to completely delete all the services linked to the account. So, if you want to reactivate the canceled Yahoo account, you can sign in to the account within 40 days after the scheduled deletion. Once you’re signed in, you can start receiving emails, but you won’t be able to see emails from the closed period.

The sender will receive the delivery error message if they try to send an email or send a message to their email address. Therefore, you would not have any emails to retrieve.

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Categories: Technology