Adorable video shows mama bear teaching cubs to rip down trail cameras


Adorable video shows mama bear teaching cubs to rip down trail cameras

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A family of four black bears with a grudge against technology have ripped apart a trail camera installed in a Minnesota park.

A mama bear and her three cubs have messed with trail cameras at a remote beaver pond in Minnesota’s Voyageurs National Park on at least five separate occasions over the past year, researchers said.

“This mama bear has trained her 3 cubs to be massive camera-destroying weapons that will terrorize any trail cameras found in the forest for years to come,” said the Voyageurs Wolf Project, a research team at the University of Minnesota that studied wolf. in a statement.

The cute footage shows a mama bear walking towards the camera with her baby on her back.

The four can be heard sniffing the foreign object — with only their thick fur and small bear ears visible on screen — before the footage begins to shake and cut out.

The family returned to the scene later to take the camera down again after realizing it had been replaced.

This time, they can be seen heading straight for the equipment — but with a better knowledge of how to get the camera down.

Mama bear walks towards the camera.Mama black bear teaches her three cubs how to mess with trail cameras.Danisara/Facebook

“Now, you might be tempted to think ‘They look so cute and sweet and innocent!’ But don’t be fooled. These are trained deviants who roam the forest in search of technology to destroy,” says Project Wolf Voyageurs.

The project has more than 200 trail cameras set up throughout the 350-square-mile park, located in northern Minnesota, near the Canadian border.

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The footage aims to study the 16 wolf packs that call Voyageurs National Park home, but often captures the fury of the black bears that patrol the prairie.

The family moves the camera.The family has messed with two cameras on at least two separate occasions. Danisara/Facebook

“Most of the time, they just tap the camera for a second and then move on,” Thomas Gable, project leader at Voyageurs Wolf Project, told Insider.

“That said, we’ve had a lot of trail cameras that have been completely destroyed by chewing on them.”

The bear family of four, however, seems to be on a clear mission to dismantle the camera when they see it in the wild.

“And one day these children will have children of their own and the desire to cause mayhem and carnage on camera will be passed on to the next generation. And so on and so forth. And a day will come when no camera will be safe in the forest,” says Project Wolf Voyageurs.

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