Ali Khan


Ali Khan (Actor) Wiki, Age, Wife, Family, Biography & More

Ali Khan is an Indian actor. He is best known for playing the role of Shafi in the Hindi film Sarfarosh (1999).


Ali Khan was born on 26 May in Maigra, Imamganj, Gaya. His zodiac sign is Gemini. Soon after completing his schooling, he went on to study for a Bachelor of Science degree at Magadh University, Bodh Gaya, Bihar. Inclined to acting since childhood, Ali Khan, while in school, often played the roles of Ram and Ravan in many stage plays.

Physical appearance

Height (approx): 6′ 2″

Hair Color: Salt and Pepper

Eye Color: Black

Ali Khan


Ali Khan belonged to a Muslim family in Bodh Gaya, Bihar.

Parents & Siblings

Ali Khan’s father was a farmer. Ali Khan has two brothers, Haji Mohammad Shadib Khan and Shahnawaz Khan, and a sister named Sherghati.

Wife & Children

On October 20, 1986, Ali got married.

Ali Khan wedding images

Ali Khan wedding images

Ali Khan’s son, Faiyaz Ali Khan, is an actor.

Ali Khan and his son, Faiyaz Ali Khan

Ali Khan and his son, Faiyaz Ali Khan

His daughter, Aashna Khan Kapadia, is a housewife.

Aashna Ali Khan and her husband, Sufiyan Kapadia

Aashna Ali Khan and her husband, Sufiyan Kapadia


Ali Khan follows Islam.




In 1983, Ali Khan made his acting debut with the Hindi film Kalka in which he played the supporting role of Gopi.

Hindi movie poster Kalka (1983)

Hindi movie poster Kalka (1983)

In 1985, he worked in the Hindi film Rahemdil Jallad where he played the role of an antagonist. In the 1990s, Ali worked in many Hindi films such as Agneekal (1990), Vishwatma (1992), Khuda Gawah (1992), Juaari (1994), and Sarfarosh (1999).

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Amitabh Bachchan as Badshah Khan and Ali Khan as Habibulah in a still from the Bollywood film Khuda Gawah (1992)

Amitabh Bachchan as Badshah Khan and Ali Khan as Habibullah in a still from the Bollywood film Khuda Gawah (1992)


In 2005, Ali Khan made his Bhojpuri debut with the film Rasili Tohre Khatir.

Bhojpuri movie poster Rasili Tohre Khatir (2005)

Bhojpuri movie poster Rasili Tohre Khatir (2005)

He has worked in many Bhojpuri films such as Hamar Mother India (2008), Intezar Karab Qayamat Se Qayamat Tak (2013), and Dulhan Chahi Pakistan Se 2 (2018).


In 2005, Ali Khan made his television debut with the Doordarshan National series DD Karan The Detective.

Poster of Doordarshan DD National Karan's Hindi serial The Detective (2005)

Poster of Doordarshan DD National Karan’s Hindi serial The Detective (2005)

In 2008, Ali worked in the television show Kumkum: Ek Pyara Sa Bandhan where he played the role of Madan.

Ali Khan as Madan in a still from the Hindi Tv show Kumkum Ek Pyara Sa Bandhan (2008)

Ali Khan as Madan in a still from the Hindi Tv show Kumkum Ek Pyara Sa Bandhan (2008)

In 2022, he worked in the Hindi television show Bohot Pyaar Karte Hai where he played the role of Rahul.


  • 2018: AIAC Award for Individual Achievement & Nation Building
    Ali Khan after winning the AIAC Award for Individual Achievement & Nation Building

    Ali Khan after winning the AIAC Award for Individual Achievement & Nation Building

  • 2019: DadaSaheb Phalke Film Yatra Award
    Ali Khan received the DadaSaheb Phalke Film Yatra Award

    Ali Khan received the DadaSaheb Phalke Film Yatra Award

  • 2020: Bollywood Legends Awards
  • 2022: Legendary Dadasaheb Phalke Award
  • 2022: Bollywood Iconic Awards
    Ali Khan receives Bollywood Iconic Award-2022

    Ali Khan receives Bollywood Iconic Award-2022


  • As of 2022, Ali Khan has appeared in more than 150 films.
  • In 2022, Ali was honored by Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis during the Versova Mahotsav.
  • In an interview in 2020, Ali Khan said that he was preparing to contest the upcoming Bihar Assembly elections. Further, Ali said that he is preparing to contest the elections from the Sherghati Assembly constituency in his hometown from the RJD party. Ali Khan said,

    Lalu Prasad Yadav has promised that he will give me ticket for Sherghati rally. Sherghati people also want me to be given a ticket. I am a very famous person here. Not only Magadh, people of entire Bihar paid respect to me. I came from Patna for this claim. I hope I will get the ticket. Bollywood actors also supported me. Many celebrities like Govinda, Raja Murad, Kiran Kumar, Johnny Lever have given me good wishes to contest the elections. We will also come to campaign for you. He also told the people of Sherghati area that if I win, I will not come back and I will fully fulfill the responsibility given to me.”

  • Ali Khan shares a good relationship with Lalu Prasad Yadav, President of the Rashtriya Janata Dal.
    Ali Khan and Lalu Prasad Yadav

    Ali Khan and Lalu Prasad Yadav

  • In an interview, Ali Khan talked about what influenced him to pursue a career in films. In 1975, Ali visited RK Studios in Mumbai with family members and had the opportunity to interact with Amitabh Bachchan and Ranjeet Goli; she met Amitabh on the sets of the Hindi film Kasme Vaade (1978). According to Ali, seeing Amitabh Bachchan acting on the set of the film inspired him to pursue a career as an actor.
  • After completing his schooling, Ali appeared in the all-India pre-medical entrance test; however, he was unable to pass the test after failing with just five marks.
  • He shares a good bond with actor Amitabh Bachchan. Amitabh was one of the few guests invited to Ali’s daughter Aashna’s wedding. In an interview, Ali spoke about Amitabh and said that he is one of his favorite actors. Ali said,

    Among the various roles I have played, I really enjoyed my performances in Sarfarosh and Khuda Gawah, playing Habibullah, in fact, Amitabh Bachchan remains my favorite actor. The whole world is his fan and so am I. And I appreciate him as a good human being. Despite being a famous actor, one would never see him throwing his weight around on set.”

    Amitabh Bachchan at Ali Khan's daughter Aashna Ali Khan's wedding

    Amitabh Bachchan at Ali Khan’s daughter Aashna Ali Khan’s wedding

  • He was a devoted follower of Hazrat Makhdoom Shah Baba Mahimi. In an interview, Ali spoke about this and said,

    I believe in Baba Makhdoom Shah. When I went to Mumbai for the first time, I went here after seeking blessings. I always come here when my vow is fulfilled.”

  • He follows a non-vegetarian diet.
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Categories: Biography