Biden mocked for calling Trump the ‘sitting president’ in embarrassing gaffe: ‘Mash-potato-brain’


Biden mocked for calling Trump the ‘sitting president’ in embarrassing gaffe: ‘Mash-potato-brain’

President Biden was mocked for his latest blunder, which appeared to call his predecessor, Donald Trump, a “sitting president.”

The vulnerable commander-in-chief’s gaffe came during a speech in South Carolina on Saturday when he repeatedly called former President Trump a “loser.”

“You’re the reason I’m president,” Biden, 81, told a crowd of Democratic leaders while touting his record of “promises made and promises kept.”

“You are the reason Donald Trump lost,” he said of his potential main challenger in the 2024 election.

But online commentators soon said Biden was the loser when he slipped up while discussing how “American consumers are facing real confidence in the economy we’re building.”

“Let me tell you who else noticed that: Donald Trump,” Biden said before he stumbled over his words.

“Did you see what he said recently … he wants, he wants to see the economy crash this year? The sitting president,” he said without correcting himself.

Joe BidenPresident Biden was mocked for calling Donald Trump a “sitting president” during a speech in South Carolina. Kyle Mazza/TheNEWS2 via ZUMA Press Wire /

“Like they say in my faith, bless me dad because, I mean, come on, man,” Biden continued.

His comments about the “sitting president” were met with widespread derision.

“OMG – Biden really called Trump a sitting president. Conspiracy theorists would have a field day with this one,” one user said said to X.

“Did this Dummy just call Donald Trump the sitting President?” another wroteadded a laughing emoji.

Third user add: “Mash-potato-brain Joe Biden calls Trump a sitting president. POS senile.”

Donald Trump speaks at the Commitment Rally for the Caucus in Las Vegas, Nevada, on January 27, 2024.Donald Trump speaks at the Commit to Caucus Rally in Las Vegas, Nevada, on January 27, 2024. AFP via Getty Images

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Trump supporters rejoiced at Biden’s blunder, which appeared to bolster the Republican front-runner’s widely denied claim to win the 2020 presidential election amid allegations of voter fraud.

“Isn’t he the sitting president?” wrote a userwhich added an emoji indicating suspicion.

“Biden accidentally told the truth … DJT is a sitting president,” a self-described “MAGA patriot.” write.

It’s just the latest misstep for Biden, who is already the oldest president and will be 86 at the end of his second term if he wins re-election.

A recent New York Times poll found 71% of swing-state voters said Biden is “too old to be an effective president,” while only 39% said the same about Trump, 77. Biden’s defenders say he is susceptible to distortions exacerbated by stuttering entire life.

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