Baba Vanga allegedly made numerous predictions for 2024.


Blind mystic Baba Vanga’s 7 predictions for 2024: Putin assassination, cancer cure, disasters, more

Farsightedness is 20/20 for a blind Bulgarian seer named Baba Vanga, according to his followers.

Vanga – sometimes called the Balkan Nostradamus, referring to the famous French astrologer – is said to have predicted 9/11 and the war in Ukraine, according to the Sun.

The mystic also offered several claims about 2023, including a startling prediction that a nuclear plant explosion would destroy our planet and a cryptic claim that the Earth’s orbit would change dramatically this year — with devastating effects. (Obviously, neither is the case at this point.)

And although Vanga died 26 years ago when she was 85 years old, the psychic’s follower says she still has many predictions to reveal for 2024, as she made predictions before her death.

He’s seen it all – including a cure for cancer and the human ability to time travel, he claims. Handout

Although it is believed that he did make some predictions before passing, it is not clear if some of them were actually created by internet trolls. However, many believe wholeheartedly in the wisdom of his post-mortem.

Here are his seven predictions for 2024:

Assassination of Putin

Baba Vanga predicted that Putin would be killed. via REUTERS

Russian President Vladimir Putin will be assassinated by one of his own citizens in 2024, according to Vanga.

Coincidentally, just last month, someone on a Russian Telegram channel called “General SVR” falsely claimed that Putin had died and that only two of his bodies remained; however, the Kremlin denied that, calling it “absurd.”

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Andrii Yusov, a spokesman for Ukraine’s Defense Intelligence Agency, later accused Russia of spreading rumors about Putin’s death to test his popularity.

Vanga seems to make many predictions for 2024. NY Post illustration

European terrorism

Vanga speculated that Europe would see a surge in terrorism and that “big countries” would either conduct biological weapons tests or attack next year.

Climate disaster

He predicted that a natural disaster would occur next year.

Vanga said that in addition to weather events, there may also be an increase in radiation levels, Matahari reported.

Economic crisis

Vanga predicted that increasing debt, global tensions and the shift of power from the West to the East would trigger an economic crisis.

Cyber ​​attack

He said that hackers will begin targeting infrastructure such as power grids and water treatment plants, which will increase the threat to national security.

Vanga died last year, but her predictions remain. Handout

Technological revolution

Vanga said that quantum computing will see great success, because quantum computers process information faster than standard computers.

He also predicted an increase in the use of artificial intelligence (AI).

Medical discoveries

Vanga got good news — we will soon have cures for both cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.

In addition to his seven predictions for the coming years, humanity can look forward to the resolution of world hunger between 2025 and 2028, according to Euro News.

He also predicted that communism would return in 2076 and that people would be able to time travel in 2304.

His predictions stop in 5079 — which is when he predicts the end of the world.

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