Chuck Schumer axes Senate dress code following criticism of Fetterman’s hoodies: report


Chuck Schumer axes Senate dress code following criticism of Fetterman’s hoodies: report

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has rescinded a dress code requiring lawmakers to wear professional attire on the Senate floor months after Sen. John Fetterman was slammed for wearing a hoodie.

Schumer (D-NY) quietly ordered the Senate Sergeant at Arms to stop enforcing a dress code that requires male senators to wear jackets and ties and female senators to dress or other business attire on the floor, Axios reported Sunday.

The change in policy came after Fetterman (D-PA) was bashed by conservatives for wearing a hoodie, gym shorts and sneakers into the room. Many consider her casual fashion choices immodest.

“John Fetterman’s outfit in the Senate perfectly sums up the Democrats’ lack of respect for the American people and our institutions,” conservative comedian tweets Team Young.

The 6-foot-8-inch Democrat often swaps his suit and tie for casual attire when he returns to Washington after a six-week stint at Walter Reed National Medical Center, where he was treated for clinical depression.

“He set a new dress code,” Sen. Peter Welch (D-VT) joked to the Associated Press in May. “He is struggling. And now he’s a joy to be around.”

Sen. John Fetterman wore a white hoodie, black gym shorts and black sneakers walking with a staff memberSen. John Fetterman often flouts the dress code, opting for hoodies and gym shorts over suits and ties. Getty Images

Fetterman, who hates suits, has previously obeyed dress code rules by voting from the Democratic cloakroom door or a side entrance to the Senate floor, rather than the floor itself.

But Schumer’s new direction shows times are changing.

“Senators can choose what they wear on the Senate floor,” he told Axios in a statement. “I’ll keep wearing the suit.”

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Sen. John Fetterman Fetterman wore casual clothes after he returned to Washington after six weeks of treatment for clinical depression. AFP via Getty Images

The policy change took effect this week, according to the outlet, which cited a Senate official. However, it only applies to senators and non-staff, who are still required to wear work-appropriate professional attire.

The Senate dress code has been amended once before to ease restrictions for female senators, according to the outlet. About five years ago, the legislature opted to allow women to show their arms by wearing sleeveless dresses or shirts.

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