‘Cocky’ tourists nearly get swept out to sea while trying to take photo on Iceland’s most dangerous beach


‘Cocky’ tourists nearly get swept out to sea while trying to take photo on Iceland’s most dangerous beach

A group of “arrogant” tourists nearly drifted into the sea while trying to take vacation photos on Iceland’s most dangerous beach.

A man and a woman walk towards the beach and raise their hands high above their heads with their backs to the camera to take a cute picture on the Black Sand Beach in Iceland.

Moments later a small wave crashed onto the beach, its wake reaching out towards the tourists, who tried to escape but were unable to release their strong grip.

They both fell, but the man managed to right himself before rushing to grab the woman to prevent her from being swept into the water.

“Two ‘cocky’ tourists were swept away by strong waves at Black Sand Beach in Iceland – one of the most dangerous beaches in the world,” wrote TikTok user Kelsey, who took the video.

Two tourists were almost washed away by the waves at Black Sand Beach in Iceland.TikTok/@kelseystarlight Both fell and struggled to get out of the grip of the waves. Five people in seven years have died on the beach. TikTok/@kelseystarlight The beach is famous for “sneaker waves” that look calm but are actually dangerous. TikTok/@kelseystarlight The tourist couple appeared to have made it safely out of the strong grip of the waves but were visibly shaken afterwards. TikTok/@kelseystarlight

“The number one rule on this beach is: ‘Never turn your back on the waves’ and don’t go where you can’t see other footprints.”

The pair of tourists appeared to have made it safely out of the strong grip of the waves, but were visibly shaken afterwards.

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Kelsey said the beach is dangerous because of “sneaker waves” that “look calm and small, but are really so strong, they drag people out into the ocean and people die here.”

“Some people will do anything for a video/photo,” he criticized.

Black Sand Beach – also known as Reynisfjara beach — is located along the southern coast of the island and is famous for its black sand, which comes from volcanic activity in the area.

Black Sand Beach — also known as Reynisfjara beach — is located along the southern coast of the island and is famous for its black sand.Getty Images/iStockphoto

The beach has appeared in many famous productions, including Game of Thrones, Vikings, Star Trek, and Star Wars Rogue One, according to Reykjavik Excursion.

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Source: thtrangdai.edu.vn/en/