Courtney Stodden Hopes Fashion Industry 'Redesigns & Rethinks'


Courtney Stodden Hopes Fashion Industry ‘Redesigns & Rethinks’

Courtney Stodden has high hopes for the future of animals and the future of fashion.

Stodden attended the Mercy For Animals Gala on September 16. The organization is celebrating its 23rd anniversary, and Explosion talk to her and other celebrities on the red carpet.

He has been a vegetarian for ten years and has been completely vegan for the past two years. This decision is made after knowing how the food is made and processed.

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Courtney Stodden Supports Animal Protection

Reality TV Actress and Model Courtney Stodden hosted an official Divorce Party at Crazy Horse III in Las Vegas, NV to celebrate her separation from her husband Doug Hutchison.MEGA

“I think the main reason people don’t understand what they’re eating is because they don’t see the process the animal goes through,” he said. “Mercy For Animals gives a lot of people an inside look at reality and that’s really important.”

Stodden stated that it is time we “move forward as a society” for our planet and everything.

“Animals are very valuable in saving food and fighting,” Stodden added.

When asked about her hopes for the future food system and the future of the planet’s animals, she immediately called out the fashion industry.

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Courtney Says The Fashion Industry Needs To Change

Courtney Stodden was spotted getting her first tattoo of a rose to ring in the New YearMEGA

“My hope is that meat is stopped. The fashion industry is redesigning, rethinking, stop using leather, animals, sheepskin, everything,” he said Explosion. “Globally we need to come together and we need to really save the planet and save the animals and I think by doing that everyone will have empathy.”

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Stodden concluded, “If everyone had empathy on this planet, I think it would be a better place.”

Music artist Skylar Stecker also attended the gala and explained her hope for the future food system is to be “open-minded.”

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Skylar Feels People Should Be More Open Minded About Veganism

“Get rid of all your preconceived notions or selfishness… just try it. You know, just try and do your research,” explains Stecker.

He has been a vegetarian/vegan for the past 12 years.

His love and empathy for animals along with his music career started at an early age.

When he was eight or nine years old, Stecker wrote songs for animals.

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“I actually wrote a song for animals when I was eight or nine years old and it was about chickens and how chickens are treated unfairly,” the 20-year-old singer admitted.

Although he didn’t remember it off the top of his head, Stecker said he wanted to go back through the archives and pull it up, post it and reissue the song.

The president of Mercy For Animals, Leah Garcés, has been fighting for animals for over two decades.

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Garcés Sees More and More People Take Care of Livestock

“We have a lot more work to do, but tonight is about celebrating our success and the progress we’ve made and celebrating everyone who made it happen,” he told us. “The thing that gives me hope, every year I do this, more and more people care about farm animals. People are really changing the way they appear in terms of the way they eat or the way they talk about these issues. There are more plant-based options available and it’s exciting to see the world moving towards where one day all animals will be respected, protected and free.”

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Regarding his thoughts on a future world where the use and slaughter of animals will disappear, Garcés told us, “I have no doubt that one day there will be a slaughter-free world. Actually, I just came back from Singapore and I tried slaughter-free meat, which is being worked on in the lab, and it’s MIND-BLOWING.”

Mercy For Animals is hard at work conducting undercover investigations, campaigning to protect animals and get more plant-based options on shelves.

See for more information.

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