Cuba claims Florida man tried to invade the socialist island on a jet ski


Cuba claims Florida man tried to invade the socialist island on a jet ski

Cuban officials say the latest attempt by exiles in South Florida to overthrow their socialist regime came to their shores on jet skis, the country’s state media claimed.

The unidentified — and allegedly heavily armed — conspirator landed on Cuba’s northern coast and headed inland to his native Cienfuegos, where he tried to rally others to his cause, Cuban Communist Party media reported.

The notoriously paranoid government leadership maintains that the recent one-man invasion force is just the latest Miami-based plot to wreak havoc on the island, according to Cuba’s state-controlled Diaro de Cuba.

“The Cubans involved in this event who live in the United States have ties to terrorists who live in that country and who openly promote acts of violence against Cuba,” Humberto Lopez’s regime told the Spanish-language channel.

“People who have had military training in the United States, who have been armed and prepared, and who have the resources to carry out this plan in Cuba,” he said.

State-run media claimed two Florida-based groups, La Nueva Nacion Cubana and La Nacion Cubana en Armas — the New Cuban Nation and the Armed New Cuban Nation — were behind the alleged plot.

But the stores did not know the details, according to Reuters.

Statue of Jose Marti in Cienfuegos, CubaCuba’s notoriously paranoid socialist regime has long claimed it was the target of an invasion plot from Miami exiles.

Cuba has long claimed that exiles who fled to South Florida following the ouster of US-backed leader Fulgencio Batista have since plotted to invade Cuba. Batista was overthrown by socialist revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro.

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That claim, backed by the failed US-backed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961, has since been at the heart of ongoing government propaganda to control dissent on the island.

Exiles in Miami and surrounding cities in South Florida remain havens for anti-Castro sentiment following the 1959 revolution that wiped out the island’s democracy.

Cuban jetski invasion.Cuban Communist Party officials claim a Florida man on a jetski is the latest US attempt to topple the regime. Wimbledon –

According to Cuban media, the perpetrator in the recent attack had abandoned his boat in a mangrove swamp near Matanzas Province, with his “mission” now the subject of a government investigation.

With Postal wire

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