Effective Ways to Fix 5G Network Not Showing Up


Effective Ways to Fix 5G Network Not Showing Up

Having trouble using 5G on your phone and need help?

Is your 5G network not showing up on your phone?

Well, we’re here to help you get your high-speed 5G internet back. Continue reading this article to find out more about 5G networks and how to fix the problems.

If your phone is compatible, 5G cellular service is available from most carriers and will give you lightning-fast access. After 4G, there is a 5G network, and as of now, mobile networks around the world have started to implement it.

Due to its limited availability outside of the world’s major cities and towns, network penetration is slow but steady. However, 5G speeds have recently been slower than usual for some users and some of them are frustrated that their 5G is not working properly. The good news is that there are a number of simple solutions to this problem.

After carefully reviewing numerous complaints from users and technical sources, in this post we will describe some effective troubleshooting techniques to address the issue.

Let’s start!

Why is my 5G not working on my phone?

The questions “Why won’t my phone connect to 5g?” and “What prevents your computer from detecting 5G WiFi?” are being asked frequently by users in recent times.

5G networks not showing up on your phone or any other device can be caused by a number of factors. The most common explanation is that it is not compatible with your router or other equipment. Although some routers may support 5G, there are times when you need to manually configure 5G WiFi on your device. However, a damaged or outdated network device driver could prevent 5G from working properly.

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However, mistakes you made or things you could have avoided almost never resulted in 5G not working. Here are other possible sources for this problem:

  • There may be a brief malfunction.
  • You are out of range, so your phone cannot detect the 5G network.
  • The nearest 5G tower is not working effectively.
  • The 5G network is incompatible with your phone.

How to fix 5G not working on your phone?

To get started, try some of the simple solutions by following these steps:

  • To start with, you need to confirm if your phone is 5G compatible. You may have an outdated phone. Just because 5G has started to roll out doesn’t guarantee that your phone will be compatible. It’s true that some 4G and 5G compatible phones can work together, but don’t automatically assume you can connect to 5G because your phone is “new.”

For information about phone specifications, please check the box of your device or search for it on Google or GSMArena. It will be expressly mentioned together with the supported frequency bands in the “network mode” section.

  • Turn on airplane mode on your device, wait for a short time, and then turn it off again. It will briefly lose contact with the cell tower and then try to reconnect with you.

Turn airplane mode on or off

  • Check the availability of 5G coverage in your area; although there is 5G everywhere, there are still considerable gaps in the network, so coverage is not guaranteed. Your 5G enabled phone will always locate a signal and establish a connection. Your phone will switch back to LTE or 4G if it is not available.

It’s important to remember that your phone can’t access certain 5G networks, such as low-band and mid-band networks. Visit your carrier’s website to see their coverage map if you’re interested in where 5G is available.

  • Check with your service provider that your plan covers 5G. Even if you’re in an area that should support 5G and there’s no network showing up on your device, you may not be paying for 5G access and that’s why 5G isn’t working on your phone. Most carriers include 5G in their plans, but for specifics, check with your provider.
  • 5G can be turned on or off depending on the situation. If it’s already on and you can’t connect to the network, turn it off so your phone will at least work on a legacy network type, like LTE.
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There may be nothing you can do if the 5G tower is at fault in a particular situation. Unfortunately, this may be the only option. If you frequently have trouble connecting to a particular nearby tower, but 5G works elsewhere, that’s most likely your situation. If you have already done those things and that is why you cannot access the network, do the opposite to turn it on.

  • In the Voice & data section of settings, you can enable or disable 5G on an iPhone. Find your preferred network type or network mode if you are using an Android device. Change the network type to a setting that best secures a connection, such as 5G On or 5G/LTE/3G/2G (automatic connection); if it’s already set to something that should cover 5G, like Global or Auto.
  • Make sure the latest operating system is installed on your phone. The latest operating system installation includes all the latest fixes and improvements for your phone, which you would lose if you were using an outdated version of iOS or Android.
  • Rebooting your phone is never pleasant because it takes time for your phone to reboot and for everything to load again, but this is a simple step that you shouldn’t skip in trying to fix this 5G not working problem.
  • Factory reset your phone. All your customizations will be erased and your original apps and other software will be reset to their factory defaults. This drastic measure should only be used if you’re sure your phone should be able to connect to a 5G network but still can’t after taking everything mentioned above into account.
  • Contact your phone manufacturer. The only thing stopping your phone from using 5G after you’ve reset the phone’s software and done everything else on this list is faulty hardware. Now, you are forced to choose between getting the phone repaired or getting a working replacement.
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5G not working on iPhone: reasons and solutions

In 2020, Apple introduced its first collection of 5G-enabled smartphones, ushering in a new era for mobile devices.

All iPhone 12 and later models support 5G. There are a number of reasons why 5G is not showing up on the iPhone even though it supports it, such as a SIM or carrier issue.

Here are seven quick fixes to try now that you know the typical problems that cause 5G not to work on iPhones.

  • Make sure your iPhone supports 5G.
  • Confirm that your iPhone is 5G enabled.
  • Verify that your cellular plan is compatible with 5G.
  • Check 5G availability in your area.
  • Turn on/off the Airplane mode switch.
  • On iPhone, disable Low Power Mode.
  • Reset network settings.

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