essay on constitution of india in 1000 words


Essay on Constitution of India in 1000 Words

Essay on Constitution of India in 1000 Words, India is a democratic country and the constitution is the backbone of our country. Simply put, a constitution can be defined as a set of rules that guide the administration of a country. Our country is unique in many ways. India is also the largest democracy in the world and also has the longest constitution in the entire world.

External constitutions describe the procedures and powers of the framework of federal and political principles as well. On 26 November 1949, the constitution was written and it came into force on 26 January 1950 today it is celebrated as the republic day of India. It was never easy to build an Indian constitution.

essay on constitution of india in 1000 words

Essay on Constitution of India in 1000 Words

Essay on Constitution of India in 700 Words in English

There are many discussions and debates made by the representatives of our country. After a very long period, our constitution was made. In the rest of the world, we see that the Indian constitution is the most detailed. It is easy to see that no other country has done so many details that will create their constitution.

In 1946, a constitutional assembly drafted our constitution. Dr. Rajendra Prasad was the president of the Indian constitutional assembly. Then another committee was established which is the drafting committee and its task is to draft the constitution of Dr. Bheem Rao Ambedkar was elected as its chairman.

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It took about 144 days to complete the constitution and it spread across the country for over two years, eleven months, and eighteen days. In the constitution of India some French, Irish, Canadian, Swiss, American, and British silent features have been incorporated. There are many features of the Indian constitution and initially, it had only the basic principles and ideas of the constitution.

Short Essay on Indian Constitution

Our constitution is the longest constitution in the whole world and this is something unique. Our constitution is the longest and there are 395 articles which are 22 parts and eight schedules written at the time of sedition. Today there are 448 articles in 25 sections and 12 tables. In fact there were 104 recent amendments on 25 January 2020 as far as ST and SC reservation in Loakh Sabha.

Another unique feature of the Indian constitution is that our constitution is not at all rigid like the American constitution and even inflexible like the British constitution. All this means that our constitution can be easily changed if necessary and it can also evolve with the passage of time. A preamble is also added to the Indian constitution which means the original written constitution did not have a preamble.

The preamble states that our country is a socialist, self-governing, democratic, and secular republic. There is an objective behind the setting of this preamble and that is to secure our country in matters of justice, equality, and freedom for all Indians and also to promote fraternity to maintain the integrity and unity of the country.

In India, the government is not the only one that holds all the power but rather it is divided between the state and central government. According to the Indian constitution, this power is divided into 3 organs of the state, namely the executive, the judiciary and the legislature. Our constitution supports a federal system. Our constitution also includes union features like emergency provisions, strong central authority, appointment of governors by our president and many more.

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Importance of Indian Constitution Essay

Talking about the fundamental rights of citizens, our constitution offers a detailed list of them to Indians. There is also a list of eleven tasks in the number of citizens. This is called a basic task. Part of this duty is respecting our national anthem and our national flag, maintaining national unity and integrity, and using public property responsibly.

India is a republic which means there is no king or dictator. People’s power consists of, by, and for individuals. After every five years, there are elections held where the people choose their leaders. There are instructions given to all citizens in the constitution that help our country in achieving the status of a republic in the whole world.

Constitution of India Essay in English

Due to the constitution of India, the people of the country are safe, and free and have many rights to enjoy. In India, people are not servants of political leaders and they can take the post of political leaders also at any time.

The president is the nominal head of state and in actual practice, the state is run by the prime minister and other councils of ministers. We have a parliament in India and it is run by a council of ministers. All citizens enjoy their fundamental rights such as the right to dignity, the right to liberty, the right to equality, the right to resist exploitation, the right to culture and education, the right to freedom of religion, and the right to constitutional remedies.

Our constitution is free to choose the principles and directives that will help us create more. Now times have changed and we cannot govern our country like in the past. This is why there is an emergency provision in our constitution to deal with such times. There are both fundamental rights and obligations for all citizens of India and those who do not follow the rules and regulations of the Indian constitution have to pay penalties or punishments.

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There are important laws and guidelines and the entire country is following them. If we don’t have a constitution there will be no rules or regulations and the whole country will be closed. Criminals will take over the country and ordinary people will have to face the consequences.

Our constitution is impartial and provides freedom and equality to all its citizens. India has the most detailed constitution and it can also be amended when it is the need of the time. Every Indian must obey the constitution and fulfill their basic duties to make our country successful and more developed.

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