essay on indian army


Essay On Indian Army in English

Essay On Indian Army in English, Army is an important part of any country because in army we find heroes who fear nothing. I am also proud of my Indian army and I want to join it one day. Our military make the best defense system and protect their people. Our soldiers have to go through very tough training and have to perform their duty on the border day and night. We could not feel closer to the sacrifices they made for our country.

They live far from their homes; they went through terrible conditions and even died for the country. We have three armies in our air force, navy and army. On 26th January we can have a glimpse of our Indian army uniforms, their vehicles, animals and know their battalion names.

essay on indian army

Essay On Indian Army in English

Indian Army Essay in English

It is the day when we celebrate our republic day and on August 15, we celebrate our independence day.

The whole of India celebrates these two days with great pride, feeling, and patriotism along with the Indian army. Every Indian has a lot of respect for their soldiers because of them we feel safe in our homes. Everyone knows about the sacrifices they make in their lives. Army is dedicated to protect India from its enemies and we have many.

Our army is always ready for every challenge. The Indian army never sits, but always fights and keeps danger away from the country. India faces internal and external threats and this is why the Indian army is always alert and watchful.

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We have thousands of brave soldiers in history who have given their lives for the country and made the enemy defeated. We have brave and brave soldiers in our Indian army who can deal with any kind of danger.

Essay On Indian Army 500 Words

India has the second largest army and our enemies know how tough our army is to defeat. There are many countries that fear us because of the strong military that we have built up to now. We have the best defense system and this is known to every Indian.

Our military protects our country from every front from the sky, from the land, and even from the sea. We have submarines, powerful jets, military ships, missiles, tanks and guns to fight the enemy. Our soldiers are trained and take the best decisions in time quos.

We have a great history of brave soldiers. There are many incidents that every country reminds about Indian army. There are various regiments in the Indian army and soldiers are categorized according to their skills.

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The President of India is the supreme commander of all the 3 wings of the Indian army. Every boy and girl wants to be a part of Indian army one day. The majority of children born in India at least have a dream of becoming an army officer in the future.

We have the spirit of patriotism in our blood and all this is due to the fact that we grew up listening to the stories of brave Indian soldiers. Indians are known for their patriotism and we have learned it from our soldiers and army. Indian Army protects India from that land.

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There are troops who are doing their duty at the LOC which is the line of control. India has a large border that it shares with its neighboring countries. They deal with both foreign and domestic issues.

These soldiers go through tough and challenging training. They have to fight with the terrorists and their attacks in the future for which they are prepared with the most difficult training. Because they protect us at the border we live our lives safely at home. Indian soldiers teach us about many things and national unity is one of them.

They sacrifice their lives for the safety of their homeland and even forget their mothers who gave birth to them. There is no greater sacrifice than this in the human world. Everything about our soldiers and army is inspiring and we as Indians always stand with our army.

Our army fears nothing and this is something that every enemy of India knows. They not only protect our country but also help in search and rescue operations during natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, etc. So far the Indian army has not reported a failure.

Our army has fought even with the biggest army and won the battle. The primary mission of the military is to protect our land and its people. Since India’s independence the Indian army has become stronger and stronger because of the threats India faces from all over its territory.

Our army is well organized, ready at all times, and courageous. They have all the qualities a nation needs to protect every inch of it. Indian army soldiers are constantly undergoing training.

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Indian soldiers have spirit in them, even the youngest soldiers fear nothing in protecting their motherland. Their bravery is unmatched and history has many stories that say how brave Indian soldiers were.

Essay On Indian Army in 100 Words

Many times Indian army has helped other army and people of different countries. This is another special thing about Indian army. Our Javanese are the best and they are also the hardest to beat on the battlefield. They take care of our nation day and night without rest.

Every Indian army has a major role to play and they are doing their best. We have fought a very long war for our freedom and this is why our soldiers are so passionate about defending our country.

Everyone should be proud of their military no matter what country we are from. Soldiers pay a lot for our safety and this is a very high cost to pay. Soldiers have their own families but they distance themselves from their loved ones to protect us. We are proud of our Indian army, they are our valuable reputation and we are inspired by their bravery.

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