essay on mission kakatiya in english


Essay On Mission Kakatiya in English

Essay On Mission Kakatiya in English, Today, in this post, we will talk about Mission Kakatiya. Here, we know what it is and how it matters. Mission Kakatiya is a scheme which is a tank rehabilitation and rejuvenation program in Telangana. The main aim of Mission Kakatiya is to improve the development of agriculture-based income for small and marginal farmers. Through this mission,

The government wants to achieve goals such as increasing the development of minor irrigation infrastructure, increasing the strength of community-based irrigation management, and adopting a comprehensive program for task recovery activities. Let’s know more about this mission in detail:

essay on kakatiya mission in english

Essay On Mission Kakatiya in English

On Kakatiya Mission in English Essay

The government has arranged a system to take up the restoration of small irrigation tanks to restore them and keep their original capacity. They want to use the 255 TMC of water allocated for Minor irrigation farms in an effective manner under the Godavari and Krishna River Basins.

Tanks have become the lifeline of the state, which owns the geographical position of the state. In the state, people are heavily dependent on tanks spread across all 31 districts. Rainfall and topography in this state have made tank irrigation the perfect type of irrigation. Through this system, they want to store and control the flow of water for agricultural purposes.

This program in Telangana state was started on March 12, 2015 by Sri K. Chandrasekhar Rao, a Hon’ble Chief Minister of Sadashiva Nagar Village.

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The mission was named Mission Kakatiya to commemorate and honor the Kakatiya rulers who developed a large number of irrigation tanks such as Ghanapuram, Laknavaram, Pakala, Ramappa, Bayyaram, etc. This is how they want to help the Kakatiya dynasty’s agriculture and wealth.

This mission is too ambitious, which means the restoration of a small irrigation tank. This mission will be carried out in the form of a movement to return the lost glory to the villages in this state. To implement this program, the government recognized more than 45000 tanks and lakes by conducting a special intensive survey on most of the small irrigation tanks.

Kakatiya Mission Important Matters

The program has the highlights mentioned below:

  • The minimum ayacut is around 20 lakh acres, which can be irrigated with 255 TMC of allocated water.
  • However, according to statistics, the ayacut that is currently irrigated is only around 9 to 10 lakh acres for those tanks which are under minor irrigation. This is why there is an ayacut gap of approximately 10 lakh acres.
  • There are many reasons for cutting this gap under the Small Irrigation tank. Some of the reasons include loss of water storage capacity due to accumulation of silt in the bottom of the tank over a long period, dilapidated sluice gates, weak weirs and weirs, non-operational activities of feeder channels and damaged condition of irrigation channels.

As a reconciliation survey is being conducted to trace the exact number of all types of minor irrigation sources in Telangana state, it is concluded that 46,531 tanks, namely minor tanks, private kuntas, percolation tanks, and tanks constructed by the Forest Department. has been recognized for rehabilitation.

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Importance of Kakatiya Mission

It was a massive programme, which was all about tank restoration initially named ‘Chinna Neeti Vanarula Punaruddarana.’ After some time, it was renamed as Mission Kakatiya. The government has made proper plans to restore some tanks like 9306 every year, which is about 20 percent of the total number of tanks with the main target to restore all 46531 tanks within five years, but in stages.

Mission Kakatiya’s current program is to take this ten lakh acre gap ayacut under control which does not require any more water allocation, as well as land acquisition.

The government has made several strategies to bring this ayacut to irrigation in several ways, as stated below:

  • By repairing dilapidated weirs, sluices, etc.
  • By de-silting the tank bed so that the original capacity of the storage water tank can be restored
  • By increasing the bond strength of the tank to its original standard
  • By implementing the procedure of redistributing irrigation channels according to standards and also repairing CM and CD works to provide smooth and easy water distribution to farms based on needs.

How is the tank identified?

There are many ways to identify a tank, which are listed below:

  • Representatives of District Ministers, local MLAs, MLCs, or public communities will be approached to acknowledge the order of priority for rehabilitating local tanks.
  • Priority will be given to tanks with higher ayacut and good water source.
  • Tank identification will be done to find out the repair work that has been procured under programs like RRR & Regular State Plan, CBTMP, etc. At the same time, it is also necessary to identify the type of repair that needs to be taken up.
  • The Mandal Assistant Executive Engineer will submit the list of tanks under his jurisdiction with their ayacut to the concerned officer or public representative.
  • The tank network in Mandal will be recognized in the first phase. The redistribution and repair of feeder channels and silt removal will be done on a priority basis.
  • It is also to know which tanks are not covered under any program, they will be given priority.
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As silt removal and silt applications have become a reality, they have offered many advantages. Some include increase in water retention capacity, increase in groundwater recharge capacity, increase in water availability, etc.

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Sludge can be used in the form of fertilizer or nutrients to plants which usually reduces the use of fertilizers. The best part is that the yield of crops like chili and cotton increased by 20 to 30 percent.

It is set to publicize the importance of Mission Kakatiya to the public through wider publicity. In this way, they can help people to be aware of the massive program and participate in it by the government. The government wants the people to participate in this program for their benefit.

This is an essay on kakatiya mission in english language, from this whole article we cover information about kakatiya mission information. If find anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more information please visit us at

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