essay on modern indian woman in english


Essay on Modern Indian Woman in English

Modern Indian Women Essay in English Man and woman are the only gender in the world and they are considered as the two wheels of the society and this is how everything works. If one wheel is damaged or sick it is impossible to run the community. Well, in the modern world the role of women has become equally responsible. In ancient times, women had great respect. They are also worshiped and men have great respect for women.

essay on modern indian women in english

Essay on Modern Indian Women in English

Status of Women in India Essay

There are many temples dedicated to ancient goddesses. Over time women become dependent on men. Women even lost all their rights and were confined to the house. There was even a period when a daughter married an older man. Women are not allowed to participate in any function or task at all.

Women have a very bad situation in India. They also do not have the right to get an education. They cannot leave the house and work. Women were also burned together with their deceased husbands and this culture was called sati in ancient times.

Windows of India have been cruelly treated by their in-laws and society. They had to shave their heads and had to live a very simple life and eat simple food. The majority of families have killed daughters in the womb because the eldest child is always considered a burden on the family. This was the condition of women in ancient times but now times have changed.

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Essays of Modern Indian Women

Modern women are considered equal to men. In India the rules and laws have changed and now women commit offenses more strongly than men. Today we can see women in every field talking about space science, courtroom, TV, radio, newspapers, entrepreneurs; female politicians have marked their place in every arena. Now we have girls’ schools where girls can get an education.

There are scholarships for outstanding female students and many other benefits initiated by the Indian government for women. Now in all respects women are equal to men. Women have proven that if women can bear the pain of childbirth, can nurture it, and take care of it then they can also take all other challenges into their hands and can even conquer them with grace. Today we can see women working as well as taking care of their homes.

It is an expression that there is a woman behind a very successful man and it is definitely not wrong because women have proven it. Modern Indian women have shown glory and grace in every field. There are millions of stories of women achieving achievements and doing courageous tasks.

Essays on Women in India

In India, we have female cricketers, female models, female wrestlers, female astronauts, female political leaders, successful housewives looking after families, teachers, and school principals and all this means women are no more than men. He is worthy to stand by the side of men and help in operating the wheels of society.

Modern India certainly needs the help of women. Women have patience, women have infinite nurturing and loving power, women have patience and this is why today’s modern signs are more active in all areas than men.

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Once women had to sacrifice everything. She had to face harassment, curses like sati, dowry, and childhood marriage trauma. Now the world has changed and women have decided not to show their weakness anymore.

In Modern India, women have the same rights as men but there are still some issues in our society. India is still a country where women suffer. There are many areas in India where girls are still killed. There are women who are forced into undesirable professions. A daughter still has to sacrifice her studies because of her parents that her brother’s education is more important.

We may be talking about modern Indian women but there are still issues that concern women in some parts of the world. The modern Indian woman will be free and independent only on the day when every sin against her will be eradicated from the people of India. Women are one of the strong pillars that help nation building.

Our India will not progress if its women have to face suffering in modern times. There are Indian women who have stepped on the moon and on the other side there are women who cannot step out of the house without a man by their side. There are still many weaknesses in some Indian societies.

There are still people who are jealous of women’s freedom. In India, there are families who still force their daughters to marry against their will. Times are changing and we can only hope that women will change as well. We have seen a great change in the condition of women from Vedic times to modern times.

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There are still many issues that need to be addressed. Women in India are still insecure and this needs to change. Many women are afraid to speak out against the men we need to change.

Education is the most important thing and both boys and girls have equal right to get education. When people will get education, their perspective towards women will change. Change is happening but it is gradual. It is high time to accelerate this change and give equal rights to modern Indian women so that our country can develop.

Women are coming out of their cocoons and speaking which is a good thing for our India. she can now fight for her rights and thankfully there are organizations and people who come to support women now without fear of any other pressure.

Modern Indian women have started to realize their importance and value. today he can speak for himself. He now has the right to vote, and education and can work in any field according to his qualifications. In some urban areas issues with women still exist that we need to address.

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