essay on ncc in english


Essay On NCC in English

Essay On NCC in English, On this planet, we have many countries among which many are friends with each other and we also have enemies. Our country has borders that need protection from all enemies. War is nothing new to mankind. If we look at our history stained with the blood of war. Today we live in our country in peace because our troops protect the border.

India also has many enemies such as terrorist threats and neighboring armies like Pakistan and China. These countries never miss an opportunity to threaten our country and for this, we have Indian soldiers in their duty to protect our motherland.

essay on ncc in english

Essay On NCC in English

NCC Essay in English

Indian soldiers had to face external and internal dangers. For India, it is important to have a strong army and to sustain all the necessary heavy expenditure. To overcome defense issues without spending a lot there is a program that introduces NCC which stands for national cadet corps.

It is basically a voluntary non-profit organization that started on July 15, 1948. In this program young cadets participate and are guided by experienced staff. Students prepare for the future of the country.

Every student in his school days is aware of the NCC program and is also eager to be a part of it. Both boys and girls join this program to prove themselves as a soldier. The participants undergo basic military training where they learn that honesty, courage, leadership, and patriotism trump everything.

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The participants undergo various types of training where they learn to handle weapons. They are trained to be mentally and physically strong to survive even in the harshest environment. This program is for youth from 13 to 26 years and is available in schools and colleges in India.

Students are selected according to their talent level for army, air force and navy. Students get many benefits and I have also decided to join NCC next year. It is an honor to be a part of the Indian team and NCC helps build the Indian soldier base.

Here a character is built which is suitable to face the enemy on the border of India. Students also get jobs easily if he is an NCC holder. The training is completely free which means free travel, food, accommodation, etc. the leading general of India holds the overall authority of the organization.

Students learn from military personnel as they undergo training. Here a soldier prepares for future threats. India never started a war, and never backed down when it was in front of them. India has a rich history of winning many wars with other countries, and keeping their enemies in their place.

The importance of NCC

Every country needs to have the best defense system because the era we live in is the era of weapons and war. There are many countries that are training to disturb the peace of our country. The army needs to be expanded and for this, we need more young cadets.

The NCC was built to provide a strong foundation to the Indian army and it has successfully performed its duties since the year it started. In the case of war, such training can boost public morale. Students can also enjoy many benefits from this program.

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They build great character and learn discipline during their training. It helps build youth full of patriotism, self-sacrifice, and courage. When the youth of any nation is strong every enemy is threatened with such power. Every student must go through NCC training regardless of whether they want to continue it or not. It teaches self defense and overcoming challenges without fear.

Students can participate in camps organized in Delhi. Youth from all over India come to Delhi to participate in the camp and make friends from other parts of their country. Students live together, eat together, and share talents and experiences.

Every visit to these camps from national leaders to high-ranking military personnel boosts the morale of the cadets. Here the cadets are always enthusiastic and energetic. The camp is full of young people who show their dedication, talent, and love for their country. From here they step into a new life and gain many great experiences.

About NCC in English

NCC is one of the best programs in India especially for the youth where they are trained to be the best citizens. No other country can afford to have a standing and large army, but India can if every student joins the NCC program at least once in their college and school life.

If every citizen will undergo such training in their youth, they will always be ready for any war with any country. They will be able to take up arms to save their families, neighborhoods, and even communities together with each other. Such training can give India a second line of defense if every house has an NCC cadet.

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Today NCC is a volunteer program and undertakes adventure training. Not only hard training is involved but students can enjoy activities such as trekking, mountain climbing, parasailing, rock climbing, and many others.

This training not only makes them sporty and brave but also makes them learn to live in a harsh environment. They can easily test their limits through such adventures and develop them better.

There is also educational training included where students learn about the Indian armed forces, undergo training, introduction to weapons, and also have to pass a certification exam.

Students who pass this exam are ready to join the Indian armed forces. All students who dream to be a part of Indian air force, navy and army undergo this training and develop skills to become a soldier.

The NCC is an idea to create another army that can help train soldiers in the event of an army shortage. Cadet NCC is also India’s backup defense system. India needs young soldiers and the best NCC program builds the roots of Indian army.

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