
Fleetwood Mac’s Iconic ‘Rumours’ LP Celebrates Anniversary!

Fleetwood Mac fans (and the band members themselves), will not be ‘present [their] own way’ when it comes to celebrating the band’s legendary “Rumours” album!

Rock group Fleetwood Mac performs live in concert at the Bank Atlantic CenterMEGA

The record, which has become a classic rock staple, was released on February 4, 1977. The LP featured many of Fleetwood Mac’s biggest hits, including “Dreams,” “Don’t Stop,” and “Go Your Own Way” to name a few!

The behind-the-scenes feud that exists between the band members is as famous as the album itself! Various romantic relationships within the band began to come to a head while they were recording “Rumours,” with famous band members putting their feelings into the song’s lyrics.

Despite the turbulent atmosphere in the studio at the time, “Rumours” is still an important album for the members of Fleetwood Mac decades later! Guitarist Lindsey Buckingham commemorated the record’s anniversary on Instagram Saturday, and Fleetwood Mac trended on Twitter after fans discussed the album!

Lindsey Buckingham Pays Tribute To ‘Rumors’ On Her 46th Birthday!

Buckingham, 74, took to his social media accounts to pay tribute to the record that propelled Fleetwood Mac to stardom. Buckingham’s tribute to the album was a lighter homage than the Fleetwood Mac-related tributes he has paid in recent months.

Christine McVie2

Band member Christine McVie died after a short illness in December aged 79. Bandmate Stevie Nicks and McVie’s ex-husband John also paid tribute to the late keyboardist.

“The sudden passing of Christine McVie is heartbreaking,” Buckingham wrote in a handwritten statement. “Not only is she and I part of the magical Fleetwood Mac family, for me, Christine is a musical partner, a friend, a soulmate, a sister…” he continued.

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Sharing archive footage from the seventies featuring Fleetwood Mac backstage and performing live in an Instagram post, Buckingham wrote, “Some 46 years later, and the love has never been stronger! Happy birthday, ‘Rumor!’”

How Do Fans Celebrate Album Anniversaries?

Still have the audio cassette. You never forget your first Columbia House delivery!

— TedInJest (@TedInJest) February 4, 2023

Fleetwood Mac fans are just as keen to celebrate the album’s anniversary as Buckingham!

Fans chatted on Twitter about various aspects related to the record, created threads discussing favorite songs, posted photos of the album on vinyl, and shared personal stories about what the album meant to them.

“My parents own the vinyl, cassette and CD versions,” one fan said write on Twitter. “I have my own CD, plus it’s been on my iPod and my Pandora and my Spotify many times. ‘The Chain’ is my single favorite song of all time,” they concluded.

Miami Herald reporter Howard Cohen reply to the Buckingham thread with a screenshot of the current Billboard charts, wrote, “It seems so. 46 years after its launch, and its 31 weeks at No. 1, #FleetwoodMac’s #Rumours is still among the top 5 albums currently selling on the Billboard chart and Top 20 when factoring in trends. Impressive and delightful.”

“My 12-year-old self loved that album when it came out,” one fan said reply to the Buckingham thread. “Purchased at Tower Records on Sunset in LA. Had to hurry- mom parked twice. My now 58 year old self ‘Alexa playing Fleetwood Mac.’ the soundtrack of a lifetime. Still. You make love fun. Thank you!”

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“It’s the greatest rock album of all time,” a fan of tweets. “Has been spinning continuously in my life, through good times and bad times. Thank you very much.”

“I was introduced to Fleetwood Mac by my wonderful Geography teacher at school,” a fans are called back, “Each trip it was played on cassette in the school minibus on repeat. Haven’t heard it in years and when he died I recorded it and it brought back so many brilliant happy memories. thank you”

“You’re doing great in this,” one fan said replied Buckingham. “This album will be strong for another 46 years. As long as the world changes songs from this album will be played on stations all over the world.”

“You’re forever a fan of musicals from Gen-Z to the Boomers,” replies writer Rebecah Boynton. “That’s a great achievement!” he continued, with a smiley face emoji!

One way the current generation is getting their fill of Fleetwood Mac may be courtesy of Taylor Jenkins Reid’s novel, “Daisy Jones & The Six,” published in 2019. The novel is based on the inner workings of a 1970s-era rock group, inspired by Mac Fleetwood. The novel has been adapted into a TV series for Amazon Prime, and will be released next month, on March 3rd!

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