
Former WWE Star Jim ‘Hacksaw’ Duggan Stops Home Intruder At Gunpoint

Former wrestler Jim “Hacksaw” Duggan revealed a scary incident that happened at his home recently.

The 2011 WWE Hall of Famer stopped a home invader at gunpoint last week.

‘Hackssaw’ Reveals Details of Home Invaders

Jim Duggan and wifeInstagram | Jim Duggan

When speaking with Wrestling Inc. on Friday, the former WWE star said that a man in his mid-20s entered his South Carolina home at approximately 6:45 p.m. on Thursday. In an attempt to stop him, Duggan wrestled the intruder to the ground, grabbed his .44 caliber handgun, and held him at gunpoint.

Duggan’s wife, Debra, then heard noises and other commotions in their neighborhood that the couple believed were related to the man breaking into their home, so they proceeded to tell the intruder to be quiet while Debra called 911. The intruder then alerted the couple that people are after the WWE star and want to kill him.

That’s when Duggan put his hand on the man’s back, with the gun in his other hand ready to use as cover if necessary until the police arrived.

After the police reached their property, they did a quick investigation and learned that the intruder had reportedly escaped from another group of people involved in a “separate legal matter”.

‘Hacksaw’ Brought To Instagram

Jim Duggan and familyInstagram | Jim Duggan

The former WWE wrestler also shared details of the event on his social media

“We would like to thank the Kershaw County Sheriff’s Department for their quick and professional response last week,” he wrote. “A man we had never seen before climbed our fence, ran through our yard to our front door, and knocked on our glass door.”

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“Before we got to the door, he opened it and fell into our house,” he continued. “I held him at gunpoint while Debra called 911. We were safe with no damage.”

The former WWE star concluded by thanking everyone again. “Thanks to everyone for the concern and well wishes!”

Jim ‘Hacksaw’ Duggan Says Cancer Is Back

Jim Duggan and wifeInstagram | Jim Duggan

Earlier this year, the former WWE wrestler announced that he was resuming treatment to fight the returning cancer.

“I hope you enjoy the photos and videos of our trip,” Duggan, who battled prostate cancer last year, said in the video, “We had fun.”

“But reality is here, and I’m afraid I have bad news,” he confessed. “It seems that my cancer treatment is not finished, even after the removal of the prostate last October. Tomorrow, I have my second hormone injection and on Tuesday I’m ready for radiation treatment, which is eight weeks, five days a week.”

There is some good news, though. “Doctors are very optimistic that they caught it early,” he said in the video. “But, it was a very scary time for me and my family.”

The former WWE wrestler continued, “The doctor also said to move on and live life, which we will. So, I’m afraid I’ll make most of the plans, but some plans, I’ll have to postpone or cancel. And I’m sorry about that, but that’s the way it is.”

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