GOP rivals condemn Colorado Supreme Court for barring Trump from ballot


GOP rivals condemn Colorado Supreme Court for barring Trump from ballot

Donald Trump’s Republican opponent blasted a Colorado Supreme Court ruling that barred the former president from appearing on the state’s primary ballot in March.

The court on Tuesday found Trump, 77, ineligible to hold the nation’s highest office because of his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the US Capitol by his supporters — citing the rarely used “insurrection clause” in the 14th Amendment.

Candidate Vivek Ramaswamy vowed to withdraw his name from the state ballot until Trump is re-elected.

“I have vowed to withdraw from the Colorado GOP primary until Trump is even allowed on the ballot, and I demand that Ron DeSantis, Chris Christie, and Nikki Haley do the same immediately – or they tacitly support this illegal movement that will bring bad effects to our country,” said the 38-year-old entrepreneur in a statement.

Donald Trump will not appear on the GOP primary ballot in Colorado, the state Supreme Court ruled Tuesday/ Getty Images Vivek Ramaswamy vowed to withdraw his name from the ballot and called on his GOP opponent to do the same. Getty Images Chris Christie said he hasn’t read the full verdict yet, but said Tuesday he thinks the people, not the courts, will decide whether Trump should be president again. AP

“Today’s decision is the latest election meddling tactic to silence political opponents and swing the election to whatever puppet the Democrats are making this time by disenfranchising the American people to vote for the candidate of their choice,” the op-ed said.

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie told voters at an event in New Hampshire that Trump should not be barred from appearing on the ballot because he has not been convicted of sedition.

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“I don’t believe Donald Trump should be prevented from being president of the United States by any court,” said Christie, 61. “I think he should be prevented from being president of the United States by the voters of our country.”

“In principle, I don’t believe the court should exclude someone from running for the presidency without a trial and evidence received by a jury that [shows] they did take part in the rebellion,” he added.

“I think it’s going to cause a lot of anger in this country if people take that choice away from them,” Christie warned.

Nikki Haley has yet to comment on the Colorado court decision. REUTERS Ron DeSantis blasted Democrats for “abusing judicial power” to get Trump off the ballot. AP

Trump’s former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, 51, echoed Christie’s words after an event in Iowa on Tuesday night.

“I will tell you that I don’t think Donald Trump should be president. I think I should be president. I think that’s good for the country,” the former South Carolina governor said, according to the Des Moines Register.

“But I will beat him fair and square. We don’t need a judge to make this decision, we need voters to make this decision.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis tweeted: “The Left invokes ‘democracy’ to justify its use of power, even if it means abusing judicial power to remove candidates from the ballot on spurious legal grounds. SCOTUS should be overturned.”

Tuesday’s 4-3 decision is the first time in history that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment has been used to disqualify a presidential candidate. The clause, which prohibits officers who have engaged in “rebellion or rebellion” against the United States from holding office, dates back to the Reconstruction era to keep former Confederates out of Congress.

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The ruling was stayed until January 4 — or until the US Supreme Court rules on the case.

The Trump campaign blasted the court for “removing the right of Colorado voters to vote for the candidate of their choice” and said they plan to file an appeal with the US Supreme Court and “a concurrent request for a stay of this deeply undemocratic decision.”

The ruling sets the stage for the US Supreme Court, whose conservative 6-3 majority includes three Trump appointees, to decide whether Trump is fit to serve another term as president.

“We are mindful of the magnitude and weight of the question now before us,” the Colorado majority wrote. “We are also mindful of our duty to apply the law, without fear or favor, and without being swayed by the public’s reaction to the decisions the law entrusts us to achieve.”

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