Guide to Recover Deactivated or Deleted Facebook Account


Guide to Recover Deactivated or Deleted Facebook Account

Do you still regret your decision to delete your Facebook account? It is not necessary, since Facebook gives you the opportunity to return or recover your deleted Facebook account. But, with certain limitations. About what you read in this guide. Here we provide you with all the information about what happens when you delete or deactivate a Facebook account and how you can recover it.

Here are some of the common queries made by Facebook users:

How to recover a Facebook account deleted before 30 days?How to recover a permanently deleted Facebook account after 30 days?How can I find my deleted Facebook account?How can I recover my deleted Facebook account after one year?How to recover deleted Facebook account without password?How to recover a deleted Facebook account after 14 days?

Therefore, you will find the answers to all the questions above if you carefully go through the guide to the end, or you can jump directly to the topic you need help with.

Did you really delete your Facebook account or just deactivate it?

There are users who may be confused if they have deleted their Facebook account or just deactivated it. If you are one of them, it is important to know the difference as the recovery steps for a deactivated and permanently deleted Facebook account are also contrasting.

Here is information on both:

  1. It is a temporary and reversible process.
  2. No one can search your FB account after deactivation.
  3. All your data is retained by Facebook and becomes visible again once you reactivate your Facebook.
  4. Your messages will not be deleted from other people’s inboxes.
  5. You will still have access to Messenger even after you deactivate your Facebook account.
  6. You can reactivate your deactivated Facebook account at any time.
  1. This action is permanent and you only have a 30-day period to recover your Facebook account before it is permanently deleted.
  2. No one can search your FB account after you have scheduled its deletion.
  3. Facebook keeps your data for 90 days on its server, after which it is permanently deleted.
  4. Your message may not be deleted even after deleting your Facebook account.
  5. All your Facebook pages and apps linked to your account are also permanently deleted.
  6. You cannot recover a deleted Facebook account after a fixed period.
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Steps to recover a deactivated Facebook account

As you know, a disabled Facebook account is easily recoverable, so there is no question about it. But it is only possible if you remember the username of your Facebook profile or the email address you used to create your account. Not only this, but you will also need your account password as you may not have the option to reset FB password while reactivating your deactivated Facebook account.

If you are ready with your:

These are the steps to reactivate or recover your deactivated Facebook:

  1. Go to or open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
  2. Enter your email address or phone number and password and click ‘Login’.
  1. If you see your news feed after logging into your Facebook profile, it means your account is no longer deactivated.

Note- Unlike permanent deletion, a deactivated Facebook account can be reactivated at any time, and there are no restrictions on the number of days you keep your account deactivated; you just need to remember your email address and phone number to reactivate your account at any time.

You can also watch this video-

YouTube video

Steps to recover a permanently deleted Facebook account

If you have permanently deleted your Facebook account, this could be a sticky situation as you may or may not get your account back.

Unlike before, users have 30 days to recover their deleted Facebook account. Previously, users only had a 14-day grace period to recover or recover a deleted FB account; Seeing the growing number of users wanting to get their deleted accounts back, Facebook has increased the time limit to 30 days.

So, if you have deleted your Facebook account at your own wish and the 30-day period is not over yet, you have a full chance to get it back. Just sign in to your account and follow the instructions on the screen:

  1. Go to or open the Facebook app on your mobile device.
  2. Enter your email address and password
  3. Then press ‘Get Started’ if you are asked to confirm your identity
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Go to on your mobile, enter your email and password and press 'Get Started' to confirm your identity

  1. Then, you’ll see the date your Facebook account is scheduled to be deleted; If you want to continue using Facebook and cancel the deletion, press ‘Yes, continue with Facebook’.

If you want to cancel deletion of Facebook account, please press 'Yes, continue with Facebook'

  1. That’s all you need to do to recover your deleted Facebook account.

Note: You may not recover your Facebook profile and your data may be lost forever. If you don’t want this to happen, you should use mSpy. Sites like mSpy will monitor your data and store it in their database, which you can easily access.

You can also watch this video-

YouTube video

Note: You cannot recover a permanently deleted Facebook account after the 30-day period ends. You can only get it back within 30 days of scheduling its deletion. Also, remember that no hacker can get your deleted FB account back, so make sure you don’t get caught and lose your money to any phisher or hacker.

Categories: Technology