Here’s what you need to know about your Average UFO: document


Here’s what you need to know about your Average UFO: document

A new Defense Department document reveals what the Average Joe needs to know about the Average UFO.

Truthers will be pleased to know that typical UFOs reported to authorities are white, round, often translucent and usually noted as spherical or ball-like, according to the document.

The park-variety craft range between three and 13 feet and glide through the air at 10,000 to 30,000 feet, the DOD said.

In terms of velocities, the UFOs looked to range the most from completely stationary to Mach 2, which is just over 1,500 miles per hour and twice the speed of sound, officials said.

“No thermal exhaust” was detected by UFO detectors, suggesting a craft traveling at significant speed may have had another means of propulsion.

The findings are based on profiles from sightings reported between 1996 and 2023 and posted to a new website, AARO, or the All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, which has an “expert team” leading the US government’s efforts to deal with [the UFOs] “using a rigorous scientific framework and data-driven approach.”

The plane is flyingDeclassified government documents reveal typical descriptions of UFOs reported to authorities.ktsdesign –
UFOsTruthers will be happy to know that common UFOs reported to authorities are white, round, often translucent and commonly known as spherical or ball-like, according to newly declassified government documents.phonlamaiphoto –

A dedicated UFO office under the Department of Defense begins work in July 2022.

Japan has been one of the world’s biggest “hotspots” for UFO sightings, according to newly revealed Pentagon documents since 1996.

Even bold-faced names share their extraterrestrial experiences, Jets superstar quarterback Aaron Rodgers made headlines this week when he revisited his close encounter in 2005 on HBO’s “Hard Knocks.”

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PentagonJapan has been one of the world’s biggest “hot spots” for UFO sightings, according to newly revealed Pentagon documents since 1996. AFP/Getty Images

On Tuesday’s fifth and final episode, Rodgers retold a story detailing an encounter with an alien-like object with Steve Levy — his former teammate at Cal — in 2005, months before he was taken by the Packers in the first round. from the draft.

“Above the clouds, we saw this very large object moving across the sky. It was like a scene out of ‘Independence Day’ when the ships came into the atmosphere and created this explosive type of fire in the sky,” Rodgers said.

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