How to Craft a Netherite Shovel in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide


How to Craft a Netherite Shovel in Minecraft: A Step-by-Step Guide

In Minecraft, the Netherite shovel is a powerful and durable tool introduced in the Nether Update. This tutorial will walk you through the process of making a Netherite shovel in Survival mode, including the new smithing template introduced in Minecraft 1.20. Follow these step-by-step instructions with accompanying screenshots to create this awesome tool.

Materials Required

To make a Netherite shovel, you will need the following materials:

  • 1 Netherite Ingot
  • 1 Smithing Template
  • 1 Diamond Corner

Crafting Process

Open the Smithing Table Menu:

Start by opening your Smithing Table. This will bring up a Gear Upgrade menu that looks like this:

Add Items to Craft a Netherite Shovel:

Add Items to Create a Netherite Corner

In the Upgrade menu, arrange the items as follows:

  • Place 1 Smithing Template in the first box.
  • Insert 1 Diamond Corner into the second box.
  • Add 1 Netherite Ingot in the third box. This arrangement forms the Minecraft crafting recipe for the Netherite shovel. Once you place the items in the correct order, a Netherite shovel will appear in the result box.

Transfer the Netherite Shovel to Inventory:

Transfer the Netherite Shovel to Inventory

Drag the newly crafted Netherite shovel from the yield box to your inventory to complete the crafting process.

congratulations! You have successfully made a Netherite shovel in Minecraft. This tool is not only the most durable of all shovels but also has +6.5 attack damage when used as a weapon, making it a formidable choice for digging and fighting.

Commands for the Netherite Shovel:

For those who prefer to use commands, you can get the Netherite shovel using the following commands based on your Minecraft edition:

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/give @p netherite_shovel 1

  • Pocket Edition (PE), Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10 Edition and Education Edition:

/give @p netherite_shovel 1 0

Supported Platforms

Netherite Shovel is available on various Minecraft platforms, including Java Edition, Pocket Edition, Xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10 Edition and Education Edition.

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