How To Create A WordPress Website: The Ultimate WordPress Tutorial For Beginners (2023 Version)?


How To Create A WordPress Website: The Ultimate WordPress Tutorial For Beginners (2023 Version)?

WordPress powers 35% of the entire internet and this is a huge number for sure. Not only this, 661 new WordPress websites are created daily. These statistics give a clear indication of the use of the platform. Every business today has a WordPress website.

Aside from all other platforms, Brainvire’s WordPress development services are chosen because of the user-friendly experience and user-friendly capabilities.

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To start WordPress website, the first thing to understand is that it is most ideal to host your website on This is because it is a fully self-hosted platform and offers good freedom to developers and users. You can create one’s website without any coding knowledge.

  1. Get a domain name

The domain name is to choose the name of the website. There are 1.5 billion active websites in the world today, which means it can be challenging to be creative and unique here. Make sure it’s short, simple, and easy to understand. Have a name that can stay in the mind of the readers. Make sure it’s suitable for domain extensions.

Different name generator tools can give you ideas. Check domain name availability from providers such as GoDaddy.

  1. Buy WordPress Hosting

After deciding on the domain name, buy it before others take it. There are also affordable options available, though you may have to compromise on the extension. When it comes to hosting, there is a requirement to choose a platform. There are different hosting options such as shared, dedicated (VPS) or WordPress hosting. However, if one is just starting out, shared hosting is the best option for them.

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The first and most important thing is to find out the needs of the website. Next up is to research different hosting platforms. Compare different aspects such as:

  1. Registration price and cost of renewal
  2. Technical requirements
  3. Easy to use
  4. Settings
  5. Support services available
  6. Degree of customization possible
  7. Cancellation policies

There are several lists available reporting the best hosting sites.

  1. Install WordPress software

After finding out the hosting platform, you need to install the WordPress software. Most of today’s hosting servers allow 1-click WordPress installation. Depending on your server, please install the software accordingly.

In case the server does not have a 1-click installation, it will be necessary to install the software manually, using FTP or other recommended services depending on the domain.

  1. WordPress Components
  1. Home – The home tab is the default page in the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Updates – The Updates tab is related to frequent updates in areas such as plugins, themes, and other major software elements.
  3. Posts – This is the tab where all articles, posts, and stories are published. This tab can also be accessed and categorized embedded. It has been analyzed that 2.75 million posts are published on WordPress every day.
  4. Comments: Post comments are available on this tab. The user can feel free to disable comments.
  5. Appearance – As the name suggests, the appearance tab dictates the layout of your WordPress website. This is a crucial factor. It has been observed that poor design can turn off the audience, resulting in a high bounce rate. Make sure the design is attractive but also relevant to your niche.
  6. Plugins – Plugins add to the functionality of WordPress. For example, WP Optimization is a speed optimization plugin for WordPress. You can also use Amelia, a WordPress booking system, or wpDataTables, a great WordPress table plugin.
  7. Settings and tools: These two options allow you to change settings and select tools such as import or export.
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These are most of the time on the board. There are other options too.

  1. wordpress themes

Design, as mentioned above, is crucial for audience engagement. This layout is highly dependent on themes. The theme dictates the overall look of a WordPress website. There are free and paid themes available. This will also affect the customization available.

  1. WordPress plugins

WordPress plugins add functionality to the website. These include better page loading, security, caching, etc. It has been observed that using security plugins can save you 70% of the security problems you face.

  1. WordPress Security

You can harden the login and admin pages. You can also use WordPress-authorized security plugins. Some include bulletproof security.

  1. search engine optimization

WordPress manages an on-page SEO. You can also optimize for SEO by using title tags, hashtags, and other media links. There are also plugins available for this.

  1. WordPress support

WordPress has already built a great community and there are tutorials available. There are also community forums available.

  1. Website Analytics

Having a website makes it important to also understand how to optimize content based on analytics.


WordPress is currently the most popular CMS due to its ease of use. If you are new to the digital field, WordPress CMS might be the best resource for you. So what are you waiting for? Take a look at this WordPress tutorial for beginners and start your blog or website today!

Categories: Technology