
Ireland Baldwin Reveals Her Baby Is As Big As The Hamburger Phone From ‘Juno’

Model Ireland Baldwin has quite a growing baby bump!

The 27-year-old daughter of actor Alec Baldwin and actress Kim Basinger revealed that her first baby took to Instagram to share the news that she’s 27 weeks pregnant… which means her growing bundle of joy is now the size of a hamburger phone from the movie “Juno.”

Ireland Baldwin Reveals Her Baby Is the Size of a Hamburger Phone From ‘Juno’

Ireland Baldwin Reveals Her Baby Is the Size of a Hamburger Phone From 'Juno'Instagram | Irish Baldwin

In her latest Instagram post, Ireland shared a selfie showing off her growing baby bump. Her pants were unzipped and she wore a floral crop top as she showed off her short hair in the mirror. On the second slide, she shows that she is 27 weeks.

Under the “Choose a Category” section of the What to Expect app, he chose “Movies and TV Gadgets.” It showed that her first baby, a daughter she decided to name Holland, was “as big as a hamburger phone than Juno.” He followed it up with a screencap of the iconic scene.

Fans Love ‘Holland’ Name For Ireland’s First Baby!

Ireland Baldwin Reveals Her Baby Is the Size of a Hamburger Phone From 'Juno'Instagram | Irish Baldwin

In the caption, Ireland joked, “The big burger that tells you the shawty is triple the cheese.” Fans are obsessed with the name, which Ireland has never shared on social media before. “Netherlands? I love that name!!!” shouted a fan. “I was obsessed before and now I am deeply invested. My daughter’s name is Holland and of course, it’s perfection,” shared another follower.

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“Your Ireland looks so beautiful. Healthy and pregnant. I’m glowing. I know that might be boring to say but what a wonderful time in your life and you look so happy,” a third fan chimed in. “I’m 27 weeks and 4 days, but having twins,” one follower shared.

Some Fans Had The Same Burger Phone In The 80s!

Ireland Baldwin Reveals Her Baby Is the Size of a Hamburger Phone From 'Juno'Instagram | Irish Baldwin

“Very beautiful and healthy!!! I enjoyed seeing you with your first pregnancy because it brought me back to my first pregnancy!” another fan wrote. “You are a wonderful expectant mother! OH GOD. Your baby is so lucky to have you. Keep it up for you,” shared another follower.

“OMG you call him Holland?? That’s my future baby’s name!! So cute,” another fan added. “You look amazing. Time flies so fast. Can’t wait to see your little one,” another follower chimed in. “So, so beautiful! I love your top. Also, I had a burger phone in the 80s,” another fan revealed.

Ireland Baldwin First Revealed Her Baby’s Name In Late January

RAC and Ireland Baldwin opened a shop together called Good TimesInstagram | RAC

In late January, the aspiring screenwriter appeared on the Girlboss Radio podcast to reveal the name of her first child with longtime boyfriend RAC, born André Allen Anjos. After revealing that they welcomed a baby girl, Ireland had no problem sharing her firstborn’s name.

“We named him Holland,” Ireland said. “I’m Irish, so another country name because we want to keep it consistent.” He also wanted to name it after Emmy award-winning actress Holland Taylor, now 80 years old.

“And then I like the actor Holland Taylor,” he added. “I’ve always loved that name since I was young, I just think it’s a very stylish and beautiful name, so we’re going with Holland.”

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Ireland Baldwin marked her first 6 months of pregnancy in a green bikiniInstagram | Irish Baldwin

Ireland also revealed that she is most excited to provide her son with “stability” at home and hopes to make him as “equipped for this world” as possible.

“What I’m most excited about is focusing more on a lot of things that I wanted in terms of stability as a kid that I didn’t have,” Ireland said. “What’s exciting is that I get to raise this little human and do things that are completely different than what I was taught is normal.”

Ireland also said that it would be “cool when I can love this person unconditionally and do my best to make him as equipped for this world and bada** as possible.”

Ireland Baldwin joked that he had it in him "The era of Rihanna's belly out" in the snowInstagram | Irish Baldwin

Since then, she has not been shy about sharing her pregnancy updates with her Instagram followers.

In another recent Instagram post shared at the end of February, Ireland joked that she was “in my Rihanna belly era” as she stood out in the snow with her baby bump on full display.

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