
Jewel Claims Embezzlement from Mother Left Her $3M In Debt

Jewel says she is $3 million in debt after her manager ‘robbed her blind’ during the high point of her career.

You Won’t Believe Who The Jewel Manager Is

Jewel Reveals She Was Robbed of $3M in DebtInstagram/Gems

The singer’s mother Lenedra manages Jewel; over the years, he cleared $100 million from the four-time Grammy-nominated performer. “I didn’t really realize my mom until I was in my 30s. I woke up and realized she embezzled all my money, over $100 million,” Jewel recalled on “The Verywell Mind” podcast with therapist Amy Morin.

The “Who Will Save Your Soul” singer has sold over 27 million records worldwide. The moment of realization traumatized Jewel. “Being thirty-four years old, realizing I’m $3 million in debt, realizing my mother stole it, realizing everything I thought my mother was, wasn’t what she was, a very difficult psychological thing to work through,” he admits. .

The 48-year-old admits that at that moment, reality got confused as he realized everything he knew about his mother was basically a lie.

Jewel’s Upbringing Is Abusive

Jewel Reveals She Was Robbed of $3M in DebtInstagram/Gems

“My mom and dad divorced when I was 8 years old, and we lived with my dad,” she said, explaining that her dad wasn’t the best person to watch over the kids. Jewel wanted to be with her mother as a young girl.

“Nobody told me it was because my mother didn’t want to be a mother. He left us, so my father took over raising us. I didn’t know that at the time.” When he finally met his mother, he recalled, “She was calm, gentle, never yelled, obviously never hit me. And I didn’t realize I was being abused in any other way at the time.”

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Unlike his father. “My father was an erratic alcoholic who hit me, it was easy to identify with the ‘bad guy.’ My mother seems to be the opposite.”

Jewel’s Mom is Awesome

Jewel Reveals She Was Robbed of $3M in DebtInstagram/Gems

The singer revealed that her mother was never really there to help her but she was so enamored with her presence that she couldn’t see it. He gave an example.

“Say when I’ll show up at his door, and he’ll say, ‘You’re so strong. Our minds are just tapped, we use like 10% of our brain power. Our minds are so powerful and I think you, Jewel, are so powerful that I think you could sit here and stare at this light bulb and you might be able to turn it off with your mind.’”

Jewel discussed her parents and upbringing in her 2016 memoir, “Never Broken.” “My mother is not a villain,” he wrote. “My father is not a criminal. People do some things right and people do some things wrong.”

He also shared that now looking back, his mother was never there for him.

“The truth is that my mother didn’t want to stay there and be with me, and she raised me by making me watch light bulbs. So sometimes the appearance of the attached figure is not what it seems.

Jewel has since overcome the traumatic betrayal through therapy and has moved on with her career.

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