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Kim Kardashian Is ‘Limited Edition Barbie’ In Sexy Post

Kim Kardashian has a new sports drink flavor to represent with Alani Nutrition and transformed herself into a “limited edition Barbie” to make it happen.

Kim Kardashian, Sexy Barbie

Kim Kardashian Is 'Limited Edition Barbie' In Sexy PostsInstagram/KimKardashian

The influencer goes all out for her Kimade flavor, the ad describes it as “?PINK-LEMONADE PERFECTION?” but we’re all just looking at Kim’s stunning looks. The mother-of-four posed in a variety of looks and she gave her followers a behind-the-scenes look at the sexy shoot.

Kim Kardashian Is 'Limited Edition Barbie' In Sexy PostsInstagram/KimKardashian

Kim posed in a super blonde wig with a hint of honey. She called the look “casual” but it was anything but. Hot and sultry “We tried some fun looks for the @alannutrition shoot! Limited edition Barbie for sure @chrisappletoni.”

Kardashian posed in a white bikini with luxurious shoulder-length blonde hair.

White Is The Theme

Kim Kardashian Is 'Limited Edition Barbie' In Sexy PostsInstagram/KimKardashian

It seems like all of Kim’s looks are centered around white, her next look is a white one piece bikini, her hair is still blonde but it’s less fluffy and more shimmery. She gave that signature pout in nude lips.

Kim Kardashian Is 'Limited Edition Barbie' In Sexy PostsInstagram/KimKardashian

Kardashian never takes herself too seriously so of course, she shared some pictures of what could be going on behind the scenes. “Your wind man Is this really necessary,” she asked in the caption as fake snow blew in her face causing her to choke.

Kardashian sees so much and still hangs in there for the perfect picture. She laughed at the fake snow stuck to her lip gloss. It’s just another day for the reality star.

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Kim Kardashian Is 'Limited Edition Barbie' In Sexy PostsInstagram/KimKardashian

Snow Bunny Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian Is 'Limited Edition Barbie' In Sexy PostsInstagram/KimKardashian

Even though the reality star blew up all this fake snow on her face, she still managed to have fun and pull off a sexy snow bunny look that she sneezed through! and came out with sultry shots that had nothing to do with the drink but everything to do with Kardashian.

Kim Kardashian Is 'Limited Edition Barbie' In Sexy PostsInstagram/KimKardashian

The drink is limited edition and just as stunning as Kim’s look is the can.

The skinny can is hot pink, and Alani is written in the same font as Kim’s SKIMS brand. In the ad, Kim takes a few sips and raves about how delicious the flavor is boasting that it’s one of her favorites!

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