Life Hacks for Writing an Essay: 9 Tips to Generate Ideas for Your Essay


Life Hacks for Writing an Essay: 9 Tips to Generate Ideas for Your Essay

Composing an essay for the first time may not seem like a challenge, since that time span of your mind is full of inspiration and the respective process is new to you. In other words, you never put unnecessary information into your head before. But what are students to do if they are not freshmen and are doing dozens of essays in a row?

Some of them are looking for essay help and other sources of ideas for future essays. Recognizing the depth of this concern and the plight of students, we’ve narrowed down the top 9 pro-life hacks for writing an essay.

This list of tricks will help you spark essay writing ideas, streamline your workflow, and make your academic writing process a cup of tea.

So, let’s get started with our first pro tip: Brainstorm!

Great idea

If you’re looking for ideas, start a brainstorming session. Remember that there are no silly ideas. Write down anything because you never know what your catch will be.

No idea is rejected for being too complicated, not complex enough, or too off-topic. You can always clear your list later. It’s better to notice some flaws now than to ignore ideas that might be useful to you in the future. A pen and notebook might be all you need to get started, but a note-taking app like OneNote can help you organize your thoughts.

Group brainstorming is a little different. Try Dragon Dictation to record and transcribe your conversations as you brainstorm with each other. Google Docs can save documents to disk, so everyone has access to the list when they need it. You will find that with brainstorming sessions, ideas come quickly.

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look at your life story

Use relevant experience from your life when writing your essays. Share the points that you know and other people don’t. What things do you understand that another person might not understand? Do you have any specialized knowledge regarding the subject?

Something you understand or know how to do can be a great topic for a process essay. An experience you had can be nourished for a narrative essay. Give a unique point of view to the audience. You may be hesitant and overly biased or ignore evidence in favor of your personal history. Don’t let yourself do this! As a bonus, you’ll notice that you’re typing much faster when you recount a story from your life.

stream of consciousness scripture

Freewriting is a stream of consciousness exercise where you write down whatever comes to mind. In either case, make the process a bit more disciplined. Instead of writing anything, stick to a general subject area defined by the topic you’re studying in class.

As you start freewriting, you will be overwhelmed by the number of thoughts you have on the respective topic you are looking for and the knowledge you have stored in your subconscious mind. He will soon see his writing become more and more focused. This is a good sign that you are concentrating on the specific topic idea for your essay. Even better, you can find some things that you can paste almost directly into your essay.

Start with a generic essay topic

It’s self-evident and completely natural that a brilliant essay writing idea may not hit you hard every time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t craft a captivating essay for your assignment.

Starting with a generic topic can hit the spot, as there are plenty of essays that academically gifted students write, but not the amazing topics.

Succinctly, creating a piece of information on a less fascinating subject is favorable instead of going on a wild goose hunt.

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read your textbook

Perhaps you’ve learned that the best way to study for tests and exams is to focus on subheadings, bullets, pictures, chapter questions, and graphics. You should also review these if you are trying to choose a good essay topic. They will remind you which items are most important.

If you’re writing your essay about something that’s stressed in your notes, there’s a good chance you’re on the right track. He will know that his topic is real and can impress his teacher by showing his in-depth knowledge of that topic.

Watch a video

Some students find it easier to develop the essay idea by watching a related video on YouTube or another service. Even a short Ted-Ed video can jumpstart your creativity and get your ideas flowing. Focus on the content of the video and how the facts are presented. Decide on the topic, the opinions offered and whether you agree or disagree with them.

Videos can be a great starting point for further investigation. After watching the video, search for related articles and other resources to learn more about the topic. Also, you can consider the topic related to the intended audience and approach your essay from this point of view.

Use idea mapping

Idea mapping, or mind mapping, is a great tool for structuring your thoughts and advancing your research. It will help you create more connections to the topic, generate more ideas, develop a more specific topic, and get a visual representation of your thoughts.

The technique is quite simple and requires a pencil and paper. All you need to do is write the basic idea in the center of the sheet and write down 4-5 suggestions or sub-themes around this basic idea. Choose a subtopic and write down questions, tasks, and other ideas to explore. Perform this action for each subtopic; as a result, you’ll get a network of ideas to expand and transform into your writing.

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Also, you can use idea mapping services like MindMeister, Coggle, and XMind if you prefer to work on your computer instead of taking notes on paper.

Try a third idea method

It is believed that the first idea or theme that comes to mind will be too obvious and insipid. The second idea will not be original either. The third idea is more likely to deserve your attention and inspire your research.

The first thoughts are usually based on received knowledge. And the more ideas you generate, the more innovative ideas you will receive. This technique can be challenging and requires you to be more unconventional and brave.

When you’ve developed two well-substantiated themes, it’s time to think about the next one in regards to your interests. As a result, you are more likely to create a unique essay that stands out from the 20 other papers written by your classmates.

Ask for help

If you have tried all of the tips above and are still feeling hopeless, there is still a tip to try. Some AI-based and writing services can generate ideas for your essay and can be a good starting point for your essay ideas. But the main disadvantage of such a variant is limited and sometimes inaccurate results.

To get quality help with your essay, ask a professional writer for help. All you need is to share your instructions and get qualified assistance with topic ideas for your article. Choose only trusted services for good results. Consider this article to choose one

Lastly, we believe that the essay writing ideas or career tips we share with you in the article will benefit you and inspire you to create impeccable pieces of information.

“Good luck and start succeeding in college today!”

Categories: Technology