Lying Rep. George Santos trolls Long Island Dem over Suffolk County elections


Lying Rep. George Santos trolls Long Island Dem over Suffolk County elections

Liar Representative George Santos took some time out of his busy congressional calendar to blast a random Long Island Democrat over his party’s poor election day performance in this week’s Suffolk County Executive race.

“Reading @Newsday today and my anger welled up at Suffolk Dems leadership for blaming their failure on ‘Albany Democrats.’ How do suburbs like Westchester survive when LI goes red? Failure lies in leadership. Enough is enough. Time for accountability and rebuilding,” Shoshana Hershkowitz wrote Thursday on X.

Hershkowitz is a music educator and choral director at Stony Brook University, according to his LinkedIn.

“Cry harder!.” Santos scoffed in response to Hershkowitz. “Long Island will always reject socialism and policies that make life unaffordable.”

Hershkowitz countered that he was amazed the congressman — a serial liar and now facing felony fraud charges — would have time to engage with him.

Shoshana Hershkowitz Shoshana Hershkowitz said she was surprised to see Rep. George Santos is involved with it.Twitter/@jewkidsotb

Representative George Santos.Rep. George Santos responded to Hershkowitz’s tweet on the platform, saying “Cry harder! Long Island will always reject socialism and policies that make life unaffordable.”REUTERS

“A sitting Congressman had time to investigate my tweets (I’m not a constituent) telling you that Congress is completely useless these days. Sorry, struggling families who need the government to work for them. @MrSantosNY is too busy tweeting and facing criminal charges to help you,” he wrote on the platform.

Instead of retreating, Santos fired back.

“Oh my Shoshana, you wish I’d brushed it off… it’s literally on my timeline so why miss the opportunity,” she said.

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