mass media essay in english


Mass Media Essay in English

Mass Media Essay In English We live in a world of information. This information age is present everywhere. Therefore, mass media is a term, which is used to spread and share information. When digital technology came into being, the mass media turned out to be more powerful. It is one of the most powerful sources of news, ideas and opinions. With the help of mass media, we can also get information about the latest happenings around the world. In terms of terms, mass media means a tool, which is used in distributing and calculating information and entertainment to the common people.

Mass media includes the internet, television, theater, newspapers and radio. There are various means of communication, which offer a platform for the exchange of ideas, opinions and public participation. Let’s find out more about mass media through this essay:

mass media essay in english

Mass Media Essay in English

Essay About Mass Media: Importance of Mass Media Essay

Our society is full of many ideas, opinions, and suggestions. Mass media play an important role. It is a medium, which brings entertainment, news, educational and cultural programs to millions of people. We can categorize mass media into two different categories such as Print Media and Electronic Media.

Print Media: It includes newspapers, journals, pamphlets, magazines, etc.

Electronic Media: It consists of movies, television, internet, etc.

There are many primary sources, from which we get information such as reading magazines and newspapers, watching television, and listening to the radio. Other expensive forms of media operated by private or government institutions are cinema, television, radio, and newspapers.

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This institution focuses on the idea of ​​mass production and mass distribution. Compared to other mass media tools, television is the most popular. When we use television to watch, we have many options to choose from. This means that there are different types of channels that we can watch on television that belong to different categories such as movies, shows, sports, educational programs, cultural shows, dance shows, music shows, dramas, etc.

The information we see in newspapers is somehow different from other mass media tools. Newspapers tend to publish information about the latest happenings in the home country and around the world. We get various national and international news in newspapers, which are published in different languages. We can read news covering topics such as politics, culture, education, health, fashion, sports, events, entertainment and more.

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When we watch television or listen to the radio, we can get an opportunity to improve our knowledge of history, culture and literature. We can learn to speak and understand foreign languages.

In today’s world, there are various types of mass media that we use such as cell phones, pagers, computers, satellites, email, and the internet. By choosing any form of media, information can be sent from one source to a different recipient. There are other mass media tools such as pamphlets, books, billboards, magazines, etc., which have similar importance.

Essays on Mass Media

Know the function of mass media

Mass media plays a big role in human life. Before engaging in mass media, it is important to be aware of its function. The functions of the mass media are as follows:

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The first and main function of the mass media is the distribution of information. Through the mass media, it distributes information, ideas, and opinions related to various situations and events to a mass audience. We obtain information through different mass media mediums, which are objective, subjective, primary and secondary.

As viewers, we receive informative news about events in the world through the mass media. Through mass media, information is broadcast on radio, magazines, television, or newspapers. In addition, advertisements are also used for informational purposes.


From the term socialization, it is defined as the transmission of culture. Mass media functions as a mirror of society. It is a procedure by which individuals behave in a standard way in their society or culture. When we enter the world of socialization, it gives us the opportunity to learn how to be a member of our human society or community in a larger way.

We learn about how to react to something after reading a newspaper or watching television. In addition, we also understand the values ​​and norms we hold regarding certain issues, events or situations.


Entertainment is a part of our life. Without entertaining, we do not remain happy and thrilling. There are many forms of entertainment. The most obvious function of mass media is entertainment. Entertaining is a type of performance that satisfies people by making their leisure time more enjoyable.

While watching television, listening to the radio, reading magazines, or using other entertainment mediums, we entertain ourselves through movies, stories, series, and comics. Columns, sports, news, fashion and art are other examples of entertainment. Infotainment is also a form of entertainment through mass media which is a combination of information and entertainment. Edutainment is a combination of educational and fun programs.

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Today, every business, government and people use mass media for different purposes. Using mass media, businesses can advertise their products, services and policies. In addition, the government uses the power of the mass media to explain, educate the people, and support the policies and programs made by the government.

Mass media offers many benefits. People can be aware of the country’s politics while sitting at home. We can judge circulation, policy and propaganda based on their intellectual maturity.

At the same time, we can express our support or objection through any form of mass media. When we do not agree with some of the terms and conditions or policies offered by the government, we can raise our voice and protest. This is the benefit of the mass media for the government and the people.

Mass Media Conclusion

Along with benefits, mass media can also have some disadvantages. Mass media may create some problems and situations like chaos in the life of common people. It is important to use mass media in the right way so that we cannot overcome the abuse of mass media for the good of our lives, society and the whole country.

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