Meghan McCain blasts bizarre new musical about her father John McCain living in Trump’s brain


Meghan McCain blasts bizarre new musical about her father John McCain living in Trump’s brain

A planned musical about John McCain is already in the works — by the late senator’s daughter.

“The Ghost of John McCain,” takes place shortly after his death and finds the ghost of the Vietnam War hero stuck in the brain of Donald Trump, as the former president struggles to win the approval of the GOP establishment.

The whimsical production, written by Scott Elmegreen, had an invitation-only schedule read near Times Square last week and a run at New York City theaters is planned.

“I will not see it. I’m really excited about the whole concept,” Meghan McCain told The Post. “My father hates musicals. My dad likes comedies and old war movies and cowboy movies. I try not to let it get me down, but I think it’s gross and I’m not interested in seeing it.

“How would you feel if you were me?” he continued. “Your dead father is dead and in the afterlife, he lives in Trump’s brain? Give me a break. You think I would like something like that?

Meghan McCain is not a fan of the strange new musical about her father ATLASPRESS

“I want nothing to do with any of this,” McCain, 39, said.

Director Marya Mazor insists the play is a “unique psychological exploration of power, competition, and the human condition.”

We’re “using the McCain story alongside the Donald Trump story to tell a more theatrical story about ethics and how to live an ethical life in a culture where the price of victory seems to make it impossible,” said Mazor, a veteran. director whose work on the California production “Fun Home” was praised by the Los Angeles Times in 2020.

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The cast of a new musical during a table read in New York City. Paul Aphisit

“It is not a piece of polemic, with a biased view. It’s not an anti-Trump rant. It’s something that looks more broadly as a society, and how we’ve changed as a culture.”

The musical features the Greek Chorus with notable extras portraying Hillary Clinton, late Trump lawyer Roy Cohn, late Argentine first lady Eva Perón, President Teddy Roosevelt and Senator Lindsey Graham.

John McCain, a longtime Republican senator, died of brain cancer in 2018.

During his final years in office, he frequently sparred with Trump, often on personal terms.

John McCain doesn’t like musicals — prefers war movies and westerns. REUTERS The musical explores what it’s like to live inside the mind of Donald Trump. Reuters

Trump shamelessly dismissed McCain’s heroic years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam saying, “I like people who don’t get captured.”

McCain often criticized Trump’s performance as president.

Just a month before his death McCain called the disgusting press conference between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin “one of the most embarrassing performances by an American president in living memory.”

McCain also famously dismissed Trump’s efforts to repeal Obamacare.

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