Mexican cartel violence leaves some Mayan ruins inaccessible to tourists


Mexican cartel violence leaves some Mayan ruins inaccessible to tourists

Some of Mexico’s ancient Mayan ruins are inaccessible because of cartel violence that has affected tourism in the country’s southern states.

The Mexican government acknowledged that tourists can no longer go to at least two popular Mayan sites, and tour guides in the state of Chiapas told the Associated Press that additional ruins the government claims are open can only be accessed by passing through checkpoints controlled by the group. .

Drug cartel violence in Chiapas has exploded over the past year, affecting tourism — a major source of economic opportunity for locals in the Mexican state near the Guatemalan border.

The historic sites of Yaxchilán and Tonina have been cut off from tourists — the former due to violence and the latter due to land ownership disputes, Mexican officials admit.

But tour guides – who did not want to be named for their safety – told the publication that armed men often line the road to Bonampak, a Mayan site famous for its murals.

The Mexican government has told tourists they can no longer explore two popular Mayan sites and tour guides in the state of Chiapas because of an insurgency in cartel violence. Print Collector/Getty Images

They said another tourist spot, Lagartero, was plagued with cartel members manning checkpoints where they demanded travelers hand over identification and unlocked cellphones.

Two competing cartels in the area set up checkpoints to monitor each other and their movements.

The Mexican government maintains that the archaeological site is safer and says no tourists have been harmed. However, many tour guides will not take the risk and avoid the eyes of the cartels.

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Drug cartel violence in Mexico has greatly affected tourism — a major source of economic opportunity for local residents. Universal Image Group via Getty Images

“They demand your identification, to see if you’re a local,” he said, describing the near-permanent gang checkpoints on the road to Lagartero.

“They take your cell phone and ask for your login code, and then they look through your conversations to see if you belong to another group,” he added. “At any moment, rival gangs could appear and start a gun battle.”

Mexican officials responded to claims of violence near Lagartero and Bonampak, saying both were open to the public.

Tour guides told the publication that armed men often lined the road to the main Mayan site known for its murals. Editorial Design Pics/Universal Image Collection via Getty Images

“It is false, biased and irresponsible to say that this archaeological site is in danger from drug traffickers,” said the National Institute of Anthropology and History, which claims it “maintains control over the site.”

Fortunately, the most famous Mayan site in Chiapas, the Palenque temple complex, is open and safe for tourists,

Despite this, travelers have canceled about 5% of trips booked to the region – and residents fear it could hurt an economy heavily dependent on tourism money.

The Mexican government claims the archaeological site is safer and says no tourists have been harmed, but many tourists do not want to risk exploring the area. VW Pics/Universal Images Group via Getty Images

“There are communities that sell handicrafts, that provide accommodation, boat trips, craftsmen. It affects the economy a lot,” said one of the local drivers. “You have to remember that this is an agricultural state with no industry, no factories, so tourism has become an economic lever, one of the few sources of work.”

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