Minecraft: How to Make Reinforced Deepslate in Survival Mode {Full Guide}


Minecraft: How to Make Reinforced Deepslate in Survival Mode {Full Guide}

Minecraft’s Wild Update has brought a robust new material to the game – Reinforced Deepslate. This tutorial will walk you through the ins and outs of crafting and obtaining reinforced stones, showcasing their unique properties that make them awesome additions to your Minecraft adventures.

What is Reinforced Deepslate?

Reinforced inner rock is a strong and resilient material introduced in the Wild Update. Its durability surpasses that of obsidian, making it resistant to explosions. Interestingly, it counters the power of ender dragons and withered bosses. However, acquiring them in Survival mode involves a different process compared to traditional crafting.

Find the Reinforced Deepslate in Survival Mode

If you’re looking for a fortified deep stone in Survival mode, go to the Ancient City in the Deep Dark biome. The Ancient City housed a distinctive frame-like structure made of reinforced inner stone at its center.

Look for deep stone bricks and tiles that make up large walls, with reinforced deep stone stones creating an impressive rectangular frame. Note the sculk veins growing on the sides of some of the reinforced inner slate blocks.

Get Strengthened Deepslate in Survival Mode

Unlike many items in Minecraft, reinforced stone cannot be obtained through normal crafting methods. There is no crafting recipe for it, and breaking a reinforced inner rock will not produce a block – even with the Silk Touch tool.

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Command Deepslate to Reinforce

For those in Creative mode or wanting to experiment with reinforced inner rock using instructions, here’s how you can give yourself this robust material:

Java Edition (PC/Mac):

/give @p reinforced_deepslate 1

Pocket Edition, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10 Edition:

/give @p reinforced_deepslate 1 0

Supported Platforms

Reinforced Deepslate is available across multiple Minecraft platforms, ensuring players on Java Edition, Pocket Edition, Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch, Windows 10 Edition and Education Edition can all experience and use this great addition to the game.

In conclusion, reinforced cobblestones add a layer of strength and durability to your Minecraft world, challenging players to explore the depths of the Ancient City in pursuit of this unique material.

Whether you’re a Survival mode fan or a Creative mode builder, the Wild Update has brought something special for everyone in the form of a strengthened deep slate.

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