Mitt Romney passes on 2024 re-election run, citing his age


Mitt Romney passes on 2024 re-election run, citing his age

Senator Mitt Romney, 76, announced on Wednesday that he would not run for a second Senate term in 2024, saying it was time for a younger cohort to take part in politics. open Senate seat in Utah.

“I spent my last 25 years in public service in one form or another. At the end of another term, I’ll be in my mid-80s. Frankly, it’s time for a new generation of leaders,” Romney declared in a video posted to social media.

Romney, the GOP presidential nominee in 2012, has been one of the most vocal Republican critics of former President Donald Trump in the Senate.

Underscoring that he is “not retiring from the fight,” Romney warned of mounting national difficulties from a warring Russia and China to mounting national debt.

“Neither President Biden nor former President Trump have led their parties to confront those issues,” he asserted, slamming both of them for avoiding rights reform.

“Political motivations too often stand in the way of the solutions these challenges demand,” he continued. “The next generation of leaders must take America to the next level of global leadership.”

Mitt Romney will not run for re-election in 2024, the senator announced Wednesday. Senator Mitt Romney

Despite often serving as a political punching bag for Trump and his followers, Romney insists that he loves the upper chamber and is proud of his bipartisan legislative achievements on issues like guns and infrastructure.

“Contrary to many expectations, I really enjoy my work in the Senate. The last few years have been very productive,” he said. “It has been a profound honor to serve Utah and the nation and I am grateful for giving me the opportunity to do so.”

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The Utah senator is no longer considering a second term at a time when many state leaders are in their 70s and 80s.

President Biden, 80, is the oldest chief executive in US history and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is 81.

Senator Mitt Romney spoke to reporters during a news conference where he discussed his intention not to run for re-election after his current term ends, on Wednesday.Senator Mitt Romney speaks to reporters during a press conference where he discussed his intention not to seek re-election after his current term ends, on Wednesday.REUTERS

Last week, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, 83, announced plans to seek re-election next year.

If Romney wins a second term in the Senate, it will last until January 2031, when he will be 83 years old.

Romney was one of seven Republican senators who voted to impeach Trump over the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021.

Three of them are no longer in office, having either resigned or retired.

With Romney out of the running, the Utah Senate seat is now up for grabs. Romney won a spirited fight to replace the late Sen. Orrin Hatch in 2018.

Last month, dozens of Utah Republican lawmakers threw their support behind Senate Speaker Brad Wilson, who formed an exploratory committee for the Senate conference in April.

During his time in the Senate, Romney emerged as a key ally of McConnell, who has faced new questions about his leadership following several health concerns.

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