More than three-quarters of voters favor age limits for pols: poll


More than three-quarters of voters favor age limits for pols: poll

More than three-quarters of Americans want elected officials barred from serving once they reach a certain age, a new poll has found.

According to a CBS News/YouGov poll, 77% of respondents want a maximum age limit for politicians — although an 80-year-old and a 77-year-old are on track to meet in next year’s presidential election.

A large majority (45%) of respondents who wanted an age limit set told pollsters that the cutoff should be 70 years; Another 22% said the age limit should be 60 years; 18% said it should be 80 years old while 8% said the maximum age should be 50 years.

Support for the age limit crosses party lines, with 79% of Republicans and 76% of Democrats in favor, according to the poll.

The survey was released because American democracy resembles a gerontocracy. In addition to the octogenarian President Biden, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is 71 years old — quite a bit faster than his 81-year-old GOP counterpart, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.).

Chuck SchumerChuck Schumer made a big push for AI regulation this week.Getty Images

All nine Supreme Court justices are over 50, with five — Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan — old enough to start collecting Social Security.

In Congress, at least 43 members of the House of Representatives are at least 75 years old, as are 16 senators.

Questions about age and frailty have plagued Washington in recent weeks. McConnell had two public episodes over the summer in which he froze and briefly became speechless while answering reporters’ questions.

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Mitch McConnellMitch McConnell got even more angry during a press conference in Kentucky late last month. via REUTERS
Dianne FeinsteinSenator Dianne Feinstein is the longest-serving member of either house of Congress.AP

Also in the upper chamber, 90-year-old Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) has had several health problems, including a fall and a battle with shingles.

Biden is the oldest president in US history and will be 86 years old when he leaves office if he serves a full second term.

The CBS/YouGov poll found that more than half of respondents believe the jobs of president (53%) and senator (54%) are too demanding for anyone over 75. While 68% said they agreed with the statement that elderly civil servants “have useful experience,” 80% agreed that they “risk being out of touch with the times,” while 78% agreed that they “raise concerns about their ability to perform their duties. “

Joe BidenPresident Biden has deemed questions about his age “legitimate.” AFP via Getty Images
The Post's cover storyThe Post’s cover story after President Biden fell during an inauguration ceremony in June.serinc
Chuck GrassleyChuck Grassley, 89, has shown his physical stamina by doing pushups in public.Getty Images

The CBS/YouGov poll polled 2,335 US adults between September 5 and 8 with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.7 percentage points.

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