My Hobby Singing Essay in English


My Hobby Singing Essay in English

Essay My Hobby Is Singing

My Hobby Singing Essay in English Like any other young teenager, I also have hobbies and interests. My hobby is singing and thank God I’m very good at it. Even my mother is a singer and this is why I have skills. Since my childhood, I was automatically drawn to music and my mother said I loved to sing since I was in her womb. He used to sing a song for me and he said I used to respond to his voice.

This is amazing and I know why I have a deep connection with music because it is in my blood. I can listen to music for hours or even days. I don’t have a particular preference in music, but everything sounds good to my ears. Since my childhood, I have many favorites and I used to listen to songs on repeat.

Even my parents and grandparents were mesmerized by my interest in music. In my family everyone loves music and we all have our own favorites. My mother has many stories about me about my childhood and music.

I have so many instrumental toys and toys with music. Every toy I have has some kind of music because this is the only toy that ever gets my attention. On my 3rd birthday, I also got karaoke so I could practice my singing skills and that wonderful gift helped me realize more of my passion for singing.

My Hobby Singing Essay in English

My Hobby Singing Essay in English

My Hobby Is Singing Essay in English

As I grew older, my passion started to rise and I decided to learn to sing professionally so that one day I could become a professional singer. Since childhood, I always insisted on singing songs at birthday parties and other events.

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In my school, I have participated in many singing competitions and even won some of them. I was never afraid of the stage because it was thrilling for me. I always get excited before my show. The spotlight you get on stage is beyond anything. I have a strong bond with music. I feel connected to everything that enters my ears.

I want to produce my own music one day and I want to turn my hobby into a profession one day. I know my singing journey started the day I was born. I have music in my nerves and my mind. I’m just mesmerized by songs and music every time I hear anything.

Music is an emotion, a feeling that I live always completely. I am very thankful to God that he made me so passionate about music. Music is relaxing and mediating to me. It gives me positivity and I feel so peaceful every time I listen to music and sing.

I can sing many songs both from Hollywood and Bollywood. I also practice singing in other languages ​​because I don’t want any obstacles to stand in my way when I learn music. I like to sing songs in different languages ​​like hindi, english, marathi and south indian languages.

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My Favorite Hobby Singing Essay in English

From the beginning, I knew what I should be in the future and that was a popular singer. Musical instruments, my music collection, songs and melodies are my life. Every day I wake up singing and also sing before I go to sleep.

Singing is all I have and I want to be great at this skill. Singing was my hobby until the age of 5, but after that, my hobby turned into my passion and then my career. Every artist knows how important their skills are to become a professional one day.

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The beauty of this hobby of mine is that it was given to me by God and I don’t have to work hard to learn something new. I want to be the best in singing and I have been really dedicated to this hobby since I was a child. In my school days, I was a very popular artist in my school.

Everyone used to know that I was a great singer and no school function would start without my Vandana opening the function. I used to love performing on stage and the excitement was the most thrilling thing I had to go through.

I participated in many singing competitions helping inside and outside our school. From there I started to get singing skills. Until then I didn’t learn from anywhere, my mother used to teach me some things about singing and that was all I needed to move forward and fly.

My neighbors, my parents, friends, and teachers all appreciate my talent and always support me to continue this hobby. I always feel very lucky about myself and the people around me. Everyone supported me and used to gift me things related to singing.

I remember when I was 14 years old my neighbor gave me an audio of a great Indian singer and it was the best gift I ever had. It has 1000 songs from all popular Indian artists like Lata Mangeshkar, Kishore Kumar, Asha Bhonsle, Rafi, etc. I was very inspired by the gift and started paying more attention to singing.

When I grew up, I wanted more exposure and wanted to participate in music events and festivals. I travel a lot and make a lot of friends who are musical like me. The world is full of talent, I have many friends who sing in different ways and have a lot of knowledge about music. I have friends from all over the world who belong to my music cult.

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We have different mother tongues, but we still sing songs from other nations. Music has no language and now when I see people singing songs in different languages ​​it proves it. Singing gives a peaceful message and can fill you with joy.

Anyone can lift their bad mood by just listening to one beautiful song. I am so excited about music that I have sung many songs in many places and events, but even one request from another person to sing a song makes me excited like a baby every time.

This is my hobby singing essay in english, from this whole article, we cover the information related to my hobby singing 100 words essay, my hobby is singing and listening to music. If find anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more information please visit us at

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