my motherland essay in english


My Motherland Essay in English

My Motherland Essay in English India is my motherland. It is the best country in the world. A person born and living in a country is that person’s homeland. I live in India and it is my motherland. It is one of the most luxurious countries in the world. It is the 7th largest country in terms of land area in the world. It covers an estimated area of ​​32,87,263 square km.

My homeland has a very diverse geology. It shares borders with different countries in the world, which are also powerful. These countries include Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bhutan, China, Myanmar, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Besides, Sri Lanka and Maldives are two other countries adjacent to my homeland.

On planet earth, there is a large scope of mountains. India is the most popular country, where the Himalayan range is arranged in the north. Mount Everest is one of the highest mountains in the world, which is arranged in the Himalayan range.

Some of the famous reaches are Vindhya, Shivalik, Satpura, and Aravali. So when all 3 of these are combined together, they become the reverse side of the ocean exchange.

my homeland essay in english

My Country Essay in English

India My Homeland Essay

In India, we can also see the largest desert in the world, which is none other than The Thar Desert or Marshal. All these types of topography are found in India, which develops many climates. There are 6 seasons in India, which people enjoy consistently.

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My country is known as the most advanced society in the world and there are many types that we can see. As there is so much diversity in India, even people in India love to visit different parts of the country and explore some traditions, cultures and places.

Various different communities in the country attract people from different parts of the world, they love to visit and explore India at least once. Talking about Indian religious values, there are many religions that people have.

Some of them, the popular ones include Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Jainism, Buddhism, Islam, and Zoroastrianism. Buddhism and Hinduism were brought to the world in my homeland.

My Country Essay in English 500 Words

My motherland, India has 28 states and 8 Union Territories. All these states and union territories have different customs and societies. There are more than 100 dialects in India and 22 of them are densely packed with authentic dialects of the country.

All these places almost have their own language. English is known as the official language of the country. This is how India is one of the English speaking countries.

My homeland is full of art, culture, and literature. It is also known as the land of Rishi Munis. The best thing is that some great people have also been born in my homeland. There are various attractions or tourist places in India.

Tourists feel special when they come to my country because we treat guests like God. When they visit any tourist attraction in my country, they will learn about different cultures and religions in certain places.

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Indian soil is very fertile. In India, the agriculture sector is also growing day by day. This is why there are many plants grown in my homeland. It supplies us with a wide variety of crops, including grains, legumes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and more.

In India, there are many types of insects, animals and birds found. Tiger is the national animal of India, Peacock is the national bird of India while Lotus is the national flower of India. There are many types of flora and fauna that can be found in this country.

It is surrounded by natural boundaries from all sides. It has mountains in some places, dense forests in some places, and rivers in some places. There are many temples and ashrams in different parts of the country. South India is famous for its ancient temples in the world.

My native language is Hindi. People speak different languages ​​here like Marathi, Hindi, Punjabi, Gujarati and many more according to the region they live in my country.

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My Homeland paragraph

Talking about people in India, they are very brave and intelligent. At the same time, they are also friendly, polite, hardworking, and calm. They are peace loving people. Based on different states, there are various categories and castes of people living in India.

Each state has its own traditional art forms, dances, and music. People from different states enjoy their art, culture, dance and music. In the state, there are villages, cities and towns. Now, every region is developing in every aspect. This is why we all develop in all aspects whether it is technology, infrastructure, real estate, etc.

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Talking about cuisine in India, every state has its own type of food. There are various cuisines in India, according to the state. Like, if we visit Rajasthan, people can enjoy Rajasthani cuisine, which is very delicious. The same with other states.

Different cuisines in India are Rajasthani, Punjabi, Gujarati, South Indian and many more. All kinds of cuisines are famous all over the world. International tourists visit India specifically to try different cuisines.

Essay on Our Country

In the field of science and literature, my motherland has given great people like Premchand, Rabindranath Tagore, Sara Chandra, Jagdish Chandra Bose, CV. Raman, and Dr. Abdul Kalam. All these are the great names of my homeland, which make us proud in the world.

There is much more to know about my homeland. India, my motherland, cannot be described in words alone. Its beauty, culture, nature, and traditions are beyond words. Finally, I can say that India has great cultural and linguistic diversity.

All categories of people unite their festivals, fairs and celebrations with joy and happiness. They like to meet and greet others. This is what I love most about my homeland. I love my motherland, India very much.

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