New Yorkers don’t need to disclose social media accounts to carry a firearm, federal court rules 


New Yorkers don’t need to disclose social media accounts to carry a firearm, federal court rules 

New Yorkers do not have to give state officials a list of their social media accounts to apply for a concealed carry permit, a federal appeals court ruled Friday, striking down part of the Empire State’s 2022 gun law.

The 261-page decision, handed down by a three-judge panel at the US Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit, also prevents New York from enforcing restrictions on carrying concealed firearms on private property accessible to the public, as well as restrictions. on carrying in the synagogue.

“Disclosing a person’s social media accounts — including accounts maintained under pseudonyms — is a loss of confidentiality in that field. Requiring a concealed carry license on such exposure burdens the right to bear a weapon that has no adequate analog in the history or tradition of our nation’s gun regulation,” the justices wrote in their decision, referencing the standard set by the Supreme Court in the New York State Rifle & Pistol case Association, Inc. v. Bruen last year, which struck down a centuries-old state law restricting the carrying of concealed firearms.

The panel’s judges ruled that the lower court erred in striking down New York’s previous “good moral character” clause, arguing that the requirement was consistent with the country’s historical tradition of gun regulation. tawanlubfah

New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” has required gun license applicants to submit a list of former and current social media accounts, from the past three years, to state officials for review.

However, other aspects of the law were allowed to remain, including the requirement that applicants demonstrate “good moral character” and list household and family members on license applications.

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New York will also be allowed to enforce concealed carry bans in “sensitive places,” such as theaters, bars and public parks.

New York Attorney General Letitia James called the gun law provisions left in place by the court “critical” to keeping New Yorkers safe. designer491

“Governor Hochul and his allies in Albany never seem to get the message, and so, [Gun Owners of America] proud to have played a leading role in rebuking his unconstitutional laws. However, this is not a total victory, and we will continue the fight until this entire law is sent to the bowels of history where it belongs,” Erich Pratt, senior vice president of Gun Owners of America, a leading gun rights group, said in a statement.

Sam Paredes, a member of the Gun Owners Foundation board of directors, expressed disappointment that the court allowed the “good moral character” provision to remain and indicated that his group may seek relief from the Supreme Court.

“It is encouraging that the Court struck down the disruptive social media provision, but just as it interferes with the process necessary to certify a person is of ‘good character,’ which the Court has unequivocally chosen to uphold,” Paredes said in a statement. “What is disappointing is that most of the opinions of this Court sound like disobedient reprimands from the Supreme Court, which is shameful and cannot be tolerated. We are considering action in the country’s High Court.”

New York’s “Concealed Carry Improvement Act” requires gun license applicants to submit a list of former and current social media accounts from the past three years to state officials for review. Rawf8

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The panel’s judges ruled that the lower court erred in striking down New York’s previous “good moral character” clause, arguing that the requirement was consistent with the country’s historical tradition of gun regulation.

“CCIA’s definition of ‘character’ is a proxy for dangerousness: whether the applicant, if licensed to carry a firearm, is likely to pose a danger to himself, others or public safety,” the government said.

“And there is a broad consensus (despite some disputes on the fringes) that restrictions that prevent dangerous individuals from using deadly weapons are part of the nation’s gun regulation tradition,” he continued.

New York Attorney General Letitia James called the gun law provisions left in place by the court “critical” to keeping New Yorkers safe.

“Today’s decision to allow the state to enforce critical provisions of the Concealed Carry Improvement Act as the court process moves forward will help keep New Yorkers safe,” James said in a statement. “This common sense law was enacted to keep firearms out of dangerous hands and away from schools, hospitals, parks, public transportation and other sensitive locations. My office will continue to defend New York’s gun laws and use every tool to protect New Yorkers from senseless gun violence.”

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