Nikki Haley touts $24M fundraising bonanza, sharpens Trump attacks


Nikki Haley touts $24M fundraising bonanza, sharpens Trump attacks

Former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign raised $24 million in the final three months of 2023, more than double its second-largest quarterly take, her campaign announced today.

The 51-year-old’s campaign took in $11 million between July 1 and September 30 last year, and the former South Carolina governor now has $14.5 million on hand with a whopping $50 million raised since launching his run last February.

“This is a two-person race between Nikki Haley and Donald Trump,” campaign manager Betsy Ankney said in a statement.

“Nikki is the only Trump alternative with the voter support, operations, and resources to go far. Our momentum continues to build as we head into 2024.”

Nikki Haley’s campaign claimed it was more than double her next highest fundraising total. Reuters

In the fourth quarter, the campaign claims, it was supported by 83,900 new donors, bringing the total count of individual donors up to 180,000 across all committees.

Haley, a former South Carolina governor, is the first 2024 major candidate hoping to reveal her fourth-quarter fundraising numbers, which candidates must file with the Federal Election Commission on Jan. 15, the same date as the Iowa caucuses.

During the last three months of the year, Haley was boosted by the support of billionaire Home Depot co-founder Kenneth Langone, as well as the Koch-founded Americans for Prosperity Action.

Ron DeSantis is set to take on Nikki Haley next week. AP

News of Haley’s fundraising award came as she dialed back a rare attack on former President Donald Trump as his campaign focused on him from Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

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“In his ads and in his outrage, every single thing he said was a lie,” Haley told the 77-year-old New Hampshire voter Tuesday.

Haley’s jab at Trump came in response to an ad released by Super PAC Make American Great Again that called him “High Tax Haley” on the handling of a proposal to raise South Carolina’s gas tax during the state’s governorship.

Donald Trump’s campaign and allies have begun to take notice of Nikki Haley. AFP via Getty Images Voters are set to begin weighing in for the GOP primary in less than two weeks. Reuters

The plan was eventually rejected by the legislature after Haley demanded it be offset by steeper income tax cuts.

“If he’s going to lie about me, I’m going to tell you the truth about him,” Haley added. “President Trump proposes a 25-cent gas tax hike in 2018.”

“Everyone is talking about how good the economy is under Trump,” he added. “I will? But at what cost? He put us $8 trillion in debt in just four years.”

Shots fired ?

Nikki Haley ended up calling out Trump because his ad called her “High Tax Haley.”

“I saw the ad that you saw, and I noticed that President Trump paid attention to me and I appreciate that, because that means he sees what we see, but in…

— Christopher Webb (@cwebbonline) January 3, 2024

Haley is set to debate DeSantis in Iowa on Jan. 10 in a showdown moderated by CNN. Trump will skip the verbal sparring in favor of a town hall with Fox News.

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“I think he’s had a really tough time recently because he, he’s been promoted by the liberal media, which I understand — he’s a liberal candidate who’s running,” DeSantis told Fox News Wednesday.

“Now he’s under observation, and he can’t handle the basic questions that people are asking.”

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