NMMS Exam Information in Marathi


NMMS परीक्षा संपूर्ण माहिती NMMS Exam Information in Marathi

NMMS Exam Information in Marathi – NMMS परिक्षा समुपने मार्णी निस्टान मेंस-कुमेरित सक्लोर्षिप (NMMS) परिक्षा ही अक्षानी शाष्टी वंचीटी अभुक्तिवान भारत to identify and support talented students. In this comprehensive guide, we will take information about the eligibility criteria, exam pattern, application process and general details of the विजप्रिया अच्चार.

NMMS Exam Information in Marathi language

NMMS परिक्षा समुपने महारी NMMS Exam Information in Marathi language

eligibility criteria

To qualify for the NMMS exam, students must meet the following criteria:

  • They are currently enrolled in a recognized government or subsidized school.
  • They should have got at least 55% of the score.
  • The annual income of their parents/guardians does not exceed the predetermined threshold, which depends on the state.

sample exam

The NMMS exam has two main components:

  • mental ability test (MAT): this department evaluates students’ analytical and reasoning abilities. आयात मालिका पूर्न करना, साद्रश्यता, coding-decoding, mathematical operations and more such as चिविध आशेम.
  • Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT): SAT assesses mathematics, science, social science and general knowledge. questions are generally based on इयट्ता सातवी and अथावी सिर्वारावर.
  • Although there may be minor differences between states, the exam is usually a multiple-choice question (MCQ) format. 90 minutes are given to complete each paper.
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application process

The application process for the NMMS exam varies by state. generally, राज्या शिक्ष्टिक विभाग or the relevant राज्या/केंडर्शासित पर्देश contact officer अर्जाचे फोर्म जारता. students अध्युनाचे धाधले, जात स्फ्रिट्टे एक शूकलाचे रोक्ड याज़ी चोडजूप भेणणें अच्चा अहे.

After completing the form, students need to fill in टो शुष्टा शूकलाच्य अधिक्ष्याना या श्विष्ट नोदल कें श्निपदुदूर मित करना अहे. It is important to follow the announced timetable to ensure eligibility for the exam.

admissions and exams

After processing the application, eligible students receive their admit cards. These cards contain essential details like exam date, time and central information. students of the examination center valid photo ID card

NMMS exams are usually held at designated centers in each state or district. It is important for students to come on time and follow the instructions given by the examination authorities.

results and scholarships

After the NMMS exam is completed, the relevant state/UT liaison officer announces the result. usually, the results are published on the official website of the state department of education or on the NMMS portal.

NMMS students who are eligible for the scholarship will receive a certain amount as financial aid on an annual basis. Scholarship amount varies between states बदलत अस्ली तथा ती generally between ₹. 1,000 and Rs. 2,000 per month.

frequently asked questions (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q1. NMMS அக்க்குச்சுச்சுக்கு க்கு க்கை?

NMMS அக்குக்குக்குக்குக்குக்குக்குக்குக்குக்குக்குக்குக்குக்க்

S2. Can students from private schools apply for the NMMS exam?

No, NMMS exam is only recognized by government or subsidized schools.

S3. NMMS கார்ச்சு க்குருக்கு மாட்டு ஜைத்தை

No, the NMMS examination at the state level is conducted by the respective state/central territory liaison officers.

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pay attention

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