pigeon essay in english


Pigeon Essay in English

Pigeon Essay in English Since there are different types of birds found in different parts of the world, they all have different characteristics, features, eating habits and habitats. This is why it is important to understand all these things if any of us want to have a bird as a pet at home. In this post, you will learn about pigeons, which are birds. So, start reading:

Pigeons are among the most beautiful and attractive birds. This bird is very calm when it comes to nature. The scientific name of the pigeon is Columba Livia Domestica. When they are small, we call them pigeons and when they grow up, they are known as doves.

This bird is a symbol of beauty and tranquility. In different parts of the world, it is used to represent harmony and peace. All over the world, many people love birds. They like to have birds in the form of pets at home and pigeons are one of them, which can be kept as domestic birds.

They serve the purpose of domestication by bird enthusiasts and different houses. At the same time, there are many other dimensions to their advantages. We can remember them for their sense of precision and sharp memory.

pigeon essay in english

Pigeon Essay in English

Essay on Pigeon Bird in English

That is why pigeons are used to deliver messages in different parts of the world. It’s an age-old trend. But nowadays, there are other technological devices that are used to deliver messages anywhere.

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They have different sets of features. Some of the characteristics of these birds are identified in terms of different colors and other characteristics of their bodies. They have a small to medium body. When it comes to color variations, it can be brown, white or red.

They have beautiful fur, which represents their beauty. Their fur serves to regulate their body temperature. They have wings, which help them during flight. Besides, the wings can be used for other purposes as well.

They have sharp beaks and pointed claws. These features serve many purposes. Sharp claws can be used as a defense mechanism. The upper part of the beak in pigeons helps them carry out the respiratory function.

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My Favorite Bird Pigeon Essay in English

These different physical characteristics of pigeons are observed significantly in all species and types. But speaking of color variations, physical characteristics can be attributed to the type of species a particular pigeon belongs to.

There are white domestic pigeons in the world, known as peace pigeons. Pigeons have been found as pet birds for centuries. They weigh 2 to 4 kg. They have very short hair on their body. A black colored ring is made around the neck of the pigeon.

The word ‘pigeon’ is derived from the Latin word ‘pipio,’ which means ‘young chirping bird.’ Speaking of the word ‘pigeon,’ it is of Norse origin and first appeared in the fourteenth century as ‘pigeon’ or ‘pigeon.’ This bird is found all over the world except Antarctica, the high Arctic, and the Sahara Desert.

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Learn about the lifestyle of pigeons

Pigeons are commonly seen in all countries of the world. They prefer to live among humans since several years ago. In India, only gray and white pigeons are found. White pigeons can be found at home. Meanwhile, gray brown and white pigeons are seen in the forest. Pigeons can also live in deserts and icy areas.

They always prefer to live in groups. They build nests in empty places and tall buildings. They have a very sharp memory. After a long journey, pigeons can return to the same place again. This is how they were known as messengers in ancient times.

In the morning, they go out to find food. They are vegetarians, they like to eat millet grains, cereals, fruits, etc. The life of a pigeon is about six years. They have amazing hearing and vision. They can hear the sounds of storms and earthquakes in an easy and fast way.

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Some Characteristics of Pigeons

Pigeons move their wings ten times per second during flight. Pigeons have a quick or sharp memory. Because of this feature, people called pigeons ‘postmen’ in ancient times. A pigeon’s heart beats 600 times a minute. Pigeons can identify themselves by looking at their faces in the mirror. There are 6 species of pigeons. Among all species, 1 pigeon species has this ability, which is the only non-mammal. In the Second World War, pigeons saved thousands of lives. It can fly at a speed of 60-70 km per hour. There are some pigeons, which have the ability to fly at a speed of 92 km per hour. Female pigeons can lay 2 eggs at a time and the chicks hatch in the middle of 19-20 days. They can fly up to a height of 6000 feet. One pigeon lives in a group of 20-30 pigeons. It is a very sensitive bird. These birds can travel as far as 600 miles in one day to return to their hiding place. They can breed at the age of 6 months. They are very smart. This feature has made them able to understand and recognize the 26 letters of the alphabet. They are also good at identifying human faces. They drink by sucking water. They use their beaks like straws.

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5 Sentences About Pigeons in English

Pigeons are one of God’s most interesting creations. Due to their gentle nature and behavior, they are adored by everyone. They rarely bother birds or other people. They like to live in a quiet environment. In ancient times, pigeon flying competitions were held between pigeon owners.

Changes in the environment and increased hunting of pigeons brought them to the brink of extinction. The most important thing is that because they have no place to live, it can also be the reason for the reduction of the pigeon ratio. We should take care of these wonderful creations of God and provide them with a good environment.

This is a pigeon essay in english language, from this whole article we include information about pigeon essay in english language, 10 lines about pigeons in english language. If find anything missing let us know by commenting below. For more information please visit us at thtrangdai.edu.vn/en/

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