Republicans concerned about national security threats, Biden’s competency after shocking classified docs probe


Republicans concerned about national security threats, Biden’s competency after shocking classified docs probe

Angry Republicans on Capitol Hill said Friday that President Biden has threatened national security and is no longer fit to remain in office following the release of a shocking special counsel report that determined the 81-year-old had “willfully” withheld and shared classified information — but will not be charged in part because of his cognitive impairment.

Robert Hur declined to bring a case against Biden, according to a 388-page report released Thursday on his investigation, even though he concluded that the commander-in-chief misfiled documents from his time in the US Senate and “revealed classified material” to his ghostwriter after leaving office as vice president. President Barack Obama in 2017.

However, Hur added, in addition to the Justice Department’s long-standing guidance on impeachment of sitting presidents, there is reasonable doubt that Biden may have “forgotten” he had sensitive files or neglected to remember their location, given the “accuracy and recall that limited” in both interviews. with ghost writer and investigator Hur.

Republicans expressed extreme concern about national security threats and President Biden’s mental competency on Friday, commenting on a shocking special counsel report that revealed he had “deliberately” withheld classified documents — but will not be charged because of his cognitive decline. REUTERS “President Biden deliberately withheld classified information from his decade in the Senate and time as Vice President, yet Special Counsel Robert Hur has decided not to recommend charges against him,” House Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) said. Global Image of Ukraine via Getty Images

The special counsel added that if that evidence were brought up at a federal trial, “Biden will likely present himself to the jury, as he did during our interview with him, as a sympathetic, well-intentioned old man with a failing memory.”

The president blasted Hur’s findings in a White House press conference Thursday night, calling allegations of “intentional” withholding of the documents “absolutely false.”

“I mean well, and I’m an old man and I know what I’m doing,” Biden said. “I was president and I put this country back together.”

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Special counsel Robert Hur declined to bring any charges against Biden, 81, according to a 388-page report released Thursday on his investigation. Getty Images

Senate Republican leaders and the House Select Intelligence Committee disagree.

“President Biden deliberately withheld classified information from his decade in the Senate and time as Vice President, yet Special Counsel Robert Hur has decided not to recommend charges against him,” House Intelligence Chairman Mike Turner (R-Ohio) said in a statement.

“There is clearly a two-tier system of justice in Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice,” he added, referring to former President Donald Trump’s allegations that he kept classified documents at his Palm Beach, Fla., residence.

“As a veteran and member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, I am concerned about the extent of the damage to national security,” said Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio). AP

“The report states Biden withheld material from ‘sensitive intelligence sources and methods,'” Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), another panel member, told The Post. “As a veteran and member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, I am concerned about the extent of the damage to national security.”

“The special counsel decided not to indict Biden because they believe he has age-related dementia,” Senate Intelligence ranking member Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) posted on Xreferring to the section of the report that states the president cannot recall as vice president “when his term ends” or “when his term begins.”

Biden also “does not remember, even in years, when his son Beau died,” according to the report.

Biden also “does not remember, even in years, when his son Beau died,” according to the report. MICHAEL REYNOLDS/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

The passing of the president’s eldest son took place on May 30, 2015, and became the focus of Biden’s 2017 memoir, “Promise Me, Dad,” written with the help of his ghostwriter, Mark Zwonitzer.

Democratic panel leaders in both houses — Sen. Mark Warner (Va.) and Rep. Jim Himes (Contd.) — did not respond to requests for comment, but other party members couldn’t help themselves.

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“This is worse than the allegations,” a Democratic strategist told The Dispatch, while an insider from Biden’s home state of Pennsylvania told the same outlet that the report “reinforces the narrative” of the president’s weakness.

“It’s a bad look no matter how you slice it,” a second person added, while another official told The Dispatch the Hur report was “very bad” for Biden, adding for emphasis: “Very bad.”

The revelation of Biden’s major memory loss has prompted Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) to release a letter Thursday night to Attorney General Merrick Garland — who appointed Hur in January of last year — in which she described the details of the report on Biden “dramatically.” mental faculties affected” as “worrying.”

Significant memory loss prompts Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) released a letter Thursday night to Attorney General Merrick Garland, who appointed Hur, calling details about Biden’s “dramatically impaired mental faculties” found in the report “alarming.” Getty Images

“We do not prosecute or decline to prosecute people based on their personality, or on the expected public perception of them,” Tenney wrote, according to a copy of the letter obtained by The Post. “If the Special Counsel finds that the evidence forms a reasonable basis for bringing charges, he must do so.”

Otherwise, he added, the report “makes a reasonable case” that “he is mentally incompetent to stand trial” – and Garland should begin impeachment proceedings under the 25th Amendment, which allows the vice president and the Cabinet to remove the leader. the commander if he is “unable to carry out the powers and duties of his position.

“There is no middle ground,” Tenney emphasized.

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), a member of the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services Committee, told The Post that poor conclusions about Biden’s mental capacity might “inspire our enemies.” Getty Images

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Biden kept the documents loosely in cardboard boxes kept in the garage of his Wilmington, Del., estate, and in other locations such as the offices of his Penn Biden Center think tank — a dozen of them containing classified information and many top secret or confidential. .

Some date back about half a century to his first years in the US Senate.

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“It’s in my house. It’s not out, like at Mar-a-Lago, in a public place,” Biden said in his Thursday afternoon press conference, contrasting his actions with Trump’s. “And none of it is high. [sic] classified.”

In a speech to House Democrats earlier Thursday, Biden also disparaged Hur as a “Republican adviser” — even though the federal prosecutor was praised by two Maryland Democratic senators, Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen, after his appointment by Trump in 2018.

Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-Texas), a member of the House Foreign Affairs and Armed Services Committee, told The Post that poor conclusions about Biden’s mental capacity might “inspire our enemies.”

“I was in the White House for 14 years. I looked after three presidents,” Jackson said, referring to his service under Trump, President Barack Obama and President George W. Bush. “I know what it takes, physically and cognitively, mentally to do this job. And I knew before he became president that he didn’t have what it took to do this job.”

“Every day, there are world leaders out there who take advantage of this country because they see the Biden administration as a window of opportunity, as a moment of weakness,” he added.

“We know Biden has no right to have some documents — since he’s in the Senate, for God’s sake,” Jackson thundered. “If he had documents when he was in the Senate, he stole them from a [Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility].

“He smuggled them out of SCIF!”

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