Roughly 250 small animals transferred from California to Arizona may have ended up fed to reptiles, humane societies say


Roughly 250 small animals transferred from California to Arizona may have ended up fed to reptiles, humane societies say

TUCSON, Ariz. — About 250 small animals moved from California to Arizona may have ended up being fed to reptiles, according to two humane societies.

Tucson TV station KVOA investigated the animal’s whereabouts in September, a month after 300 small animals were transferred from the overcrowded San Diego Humane Society to the Southern Arizona Humane Society in Tucson.

The Arizona Republic reports that the transfer was a collaboration between the two groups and the animals then went to a man who runs a reptile breeding company that also sells live and frozen animals for reptile food.

The newspaper said the man eventually returned the 62 animals to a Tucson-based humane society, leaving about 250 rabbits, guinea pigs, mice and rats to an unknown fate.

“We can’t imagine something like this happening in relation to our organization,” Humane Society of Southern Arizona board chairman Robert Garcia said at a news conference Thursday. “I’m sad for the animals, I’m sad for our community, I’m sad for our organization whose mission is to protect and save animals.”

About 250 small animals - including guinea pigs, rats and rabbits - may have been fed to the reptiles after being transferred between humane societies in San Diego and Tucson, Arizona.About 250 small animals — including guinea pigs, rats and rabbits — may have been fed to the reptiles after being transferred between humane societies in San Diego and Tucson, Arizona.Getty Images/iStockphoto

The Humane Society of Southern Arizona fired its CEO last month and also accepted the resignation of its chief operating officer.

The Tucson organization is currently considering legal action against the reptile breeding company with a full report of its internal investigation expected next month.

The San Diego Humane Society’s investigation is ongoing.

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